in Latina FdI with 37.7%, then the Pd with 16.7%. Preferences. The live broadcast

in Latina FdI with 37.7%, then the Pd with 16.7%. Preferences. The live broadcast
in Latina FdI with 37.7%, then the Pd with 16.7%. Preferences. The live broadcast

8.27 am
Nicola Procaccini is certain of re-election in Brussels. The MEP obtained 82,387 preference votes in the Central Italy Cisco writing, second only to Giorgia Meloni (448,747), when, however, there are still over a thousand sections to be scrutinized.

8.19 am
With 4,122 votes the Action list obtained 2.09% of the vote. Both the leader Carlo Calenda (997) and the former regional health councilor, Alessio D’Amato (817) are under a thousand preferences.

The United States of Europe List stopped at 9,519 votes, just under 5 percent (4.83%). The most voted was the president of the Province of Latina and mayor of Minturno Gerardo Stefanelli who obtained 5,737 preference votes, ahead of the party leader Matteo Renzi who had 2,333 preferences. Fourth Emma Bonino with 1,165 preferences.

8.12 am
Alleanza Verdi Sinistra in the province of Latina obtained 10,107 votes. The candidate with the most preferences is the former mayor of Rome Ignazio Marino (1,744), ahead of Massimiliano Smeriglio (1,207) and Marilena Grassadonia (933). Sergio Ulgiati was only fourth with 817 preferences.

Giovanna Miele wins the preference challenge in the province of Latina, obtaining 7378 votes, trailing General Roberto Vannacci by over two thousand votes (5,021).

8.07 am
In the 5 Star Movement, the most voted in the province of Latina was Carolina Morace (for her 2,030 preferences), ahead of Federica Lauretti (1984).

8.04 am
In the Democratic Party, which had no Pontine representatives on the list, the most voted was the party’s national secretary Elly Schlein with 7,394 preference votes, ahead of the former president of the Region, Nicola Zingaretti (6,982).
8.02 am
In the Forza Italia list, in the 513 seats in the province of Latina, the absolute dominator Salvatore De Meo, the outgoing MEP, former mayor of Fondi, obtained over 22 thousand preference votes, double that of the national leader of his party Antonio Tajani 11,731 .

In the 513 Pontine seats Giorgia Meloni obtained over 40 thousand preferences, followed by Nicola Procaccini with 26,858, and Antonella Sberna (9095).

7 am

The sections have all been scrutinized. FdI is firmly in first place with 34.82% of the votes, followed by Forza Italia with 16.48%, the Democratic Party is at 15.05. M5S at 9.54 and Lega 9.14.

In Latina city the FdI figure is even higher: 37.7%, followed by the Pd 16.7%, third party the League with 11.3%, the M5S gets 9.81% and Forza Italia the 8.76%.

3.13 am

363 out of 513 sections were scrutinized. FdI dominates with 36.21%. Pd and FI are neck and neck, the former at 15.32% and the latter at 15.35%. Behind the M5S at 9.91% and the League at 8.78%.

1.52 hours
The first results on preferences arrive. In Latina city Giorgia Meloni has already exceeded 3 thousand preference votes. In the League Giovanna Miele is dubbing Roberto Vannacci (983 votes against 562)

Half of the ballot at the provincial level. 218 out of 516 sections counted the votes. Fratelli d’Italia is the first party with 36.94% of the votes, second to the Democratic Party (15.48%) which however must guard against the return of Forza Italia which has 13.83%.

In Latina city the vote is approaching the halfway point. When the ballots were scrutinized in 43 sections out of 116 Fratelli d’Italia it stood at 40.04%, ahead of the Democratic Party which consolidated its position with 15, 20%. The League is third (11.4%), while it is neck and neck between the 5 Star Movement (9.78%) and Forza Italia (9.24).
1.30 am
The results of the European elections are starting to flow in at the provincial level too: when the first 160 sections out of 513 Fratelli d’Italia were scrutinized, it was the first party with 37.39%. The second party is the Democratic Party with 15.58%. In third place Forza Italia – Us Moderates EPP with 12.87%.

1.23 am
The first results of the ballot for the European elections arrive from the Municipality of Latina. When the ballots of the first 24 sections were scrutinized out of the 116 total, Fratelli d’Italia confirmed itself as the first party with 41% of the votes, followed by the Democratic Party with 14% of the votes.
These are the results of the first six parties:

24 hours

The latest survey at the closing of the polls does not change the situation: at 11pm the turnout in the province of Latina was just over 52%. In Lazio, only Rome did worse (51.3%).

Turnout at 12pm

The numbers confirm that in the province of Latina the vote for the European elections is not taking off. At midday, 23.13 percent of those entitled to vote had voted in the entire region. In the Pontine area, however, only 21.32 percent, Rome was slightly worse (22.43%), but much worse than the other centers (Frosinone reached 25 percent, Viterbo 28.45% and Rieti even 30.14%). ).

The provincial data is perfectly in line with the capital (21.81%), although it must be said that in the 116 sections the turnout is very varied and varies between 27.70% of section 14 and 18% of section 19.


At 7pm the turnout for the province of Latina was confirmed as the lowest figure in Lazio with 35.91% against the average of 37.81 for the entire region. The Pontine province was also surpassed by Rome with 36.63%, while Rieti is the province in which the most votes were cast with 47.09% followed by Viterbo with 45.73 and Frosinone with 42.27%. of those entitled. The average of voters at a national level is 40.86.


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