Preferences for the 2024 European Championships: the exploits of Vannacci, Ilaria Salis and Antonio Decaro. Cecilia Strada passes by

Preferences for the 2024 European Championships: the exploits of Vannacci, Ilaria Salis and Antonio Decaro. Cecilia Strada passes by
Preferences for the 2024 European Championships: the exploits of Vannacci, Ilaria Salis and Antonio Decaro. Cecilia Strada passes by

OfClaudio Del Frate

Single preferences in the European elections in Italy

The Italians’ vote for the elections is now considered stabilised European (with FdI close to 29% and the Pd pushing above 24), the game is now being played on the preferences of individuals and on who will be made up of the patrol of 76 parliamentarians that Italy will send to Strasbourg.

The results of the European elections, live

Giorgia Meloni, as was easy to predict, is the absolute record holder of personal consensus: it is preparing to exceed 2 million preferences, having lined up as the leader in all five constituencies. The prime minister, however, will give up her seat to other members of the list and despite her excellent personal performance she does not come close to the record of personal consensus established by Silvio Berlusconi in 1999: three million votes. «Giorgia» effectively cannibalizes the other members of the FdI lists, who are very distant in terms of personal votes.

The result is highly awaited, within the Lega but not only Roberto Vannacci: the general leads everyone, exceeding half a million votes with a record in the North West constituency.

In the Democratic Party, the experiment stands out – but in a negative way Marcus Tarquinius: the former director of Future, who has taken openly pacifist positions but is also very critical of the rights of homosexual couples, risks not being elected. In the central Italian constituency Tarquinio does not exceed 27,000 ballots and is overtaken by six other party comrades. On the contrary, the Dem voters rewarded the other “external” candidacy, that of Cecilia Strada: in the North West the daughter of the founder of Emergency collects 235,000 votes and clearly surpasses the second arrival, the outgoing mayor of Bergamo Giorgio Gori.

On the contrary, again in the Democratic Party, the exploit of the mayor of Bari emerges Antonio Decaro, at the center of a controversy with judicial implications during the electoral campaign. A stumble that did not affect the popularity of the candidate, to whom the electorate attributed 482,900 votes in the southern Italian constituency. Decaro leads the entire party to a surprising result: Puglia becomes the second “red” stronghold after Emilia Romagna and before Tuscany. The first citizen of Bari gets double the votes of the other big name on the list, Lucia Annunziata and four times as many as Pina Picierno, outgoing parliamentarian in the house of the dem.

Elly Schlein, candidate in the Center and in the Islands does not exceed 200,000 votes; he does better than the secretary Stefano Bonaccini who in “his” Emilia brings home 380,000 preferences.

Another name that animated the electoral campaign was that of Ilaria Salis. The activist who is under house arrest in Budapest has undoubtedly contributed to the success of the Green-Left list: in the North West he has over 115,000 votes and in the South he adds another 42,000.

In Forza Italia the record holder of preferences is Antonio Tajani (but it always remains below 100,000 in the constituencies in which it is contested, except in the South, peaking at 130,000). In the North West it doesn’t shine Letizia Moratti (but is third with 36,000 votes) while Umberto Bossi’s last-minute endorsement in favor of the former Northern League member Marco Reguzzoni it doesn’t have miraculous effects: 6,700 votes, too little.

However, the personal result of Matteo Renzi: the former prime minister attracted 150,000 preferences on his name but the United States of Europe list remains below the threshold of 4%

In the M5S the only name to emerge is that of the former INPS president Pasquale Tridico, capable of bringing together 115,000 preferences in the Southern constituency.

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June 10, 2024 (changed June 10, 2024 | 08:25)


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