European elections 2024: the results in Tuscany

A digital live broadcast to inform on the results of the vote for the European Parliament in Tuscany, and find out which political representatives will fly to Strasbourg to bring the voice of the territory. T24 follows the results of the Tuscans’ vote with a special Close-up of Tuscany European Elections 2024.

3.01 am

Vannacci elected: “Excellent preferences, let’s wait for them to consolidate”

“I see that the preferences for myself are excellent, let’s wait for them to consolidate”. This was stated by Roberto Vannacci, the League candidate who is clearly in the lead in terms of number of preferences within his list in the Central Italian constituency: 22,014 in Tuscany alone, with two thirds of the sections scrutinized. With these results, Vannacci is certain of election in the Centre: in the event of an option for other constituencies, Susanna Ceccardi would be re-elected in Central Italy. “Based on the preferences expressed – said the general – my presence will have to be weighed against the other preferences expressed on the other candidates. And then we actually need to see who will go to Brussels, because some of these candidates are fronts, people who will not go on to be MEPs.”

2.50 am

Fossi(Pd): “We will be the attractor of the alternative to the right”

“This result, a marked increase compared to the last political elections, strengthens us and makes us the candidate to be the attractor of the alternative to the right”. Emiliano Fossi, secretary of the Tuscan Democratic Party, stated this in a note, commenting on the partial results of the European elections. With 3,331 sections counted out of 3,926, the Democratic Party has 31.88% of the votes in Tuscany. “We are very satisfied”, says Fossi, according to whom “we have perceived for weeks that the Democratic Party enjoyed growing and renewed trust”, and “we are also looking with optimism to the scrutiny of tomorrow’s administrative elections”.

2.37 am

Giani: “The Democratic Party is doing well in Tuscany, great success for Nardella”

“Nice result for the Democratic Party in Tuscany, great success for Dario Nardella who will best represent us in the European Parliament! A precious result for Tuscany!”. Eugenio Giani, president of the Tuscany Region, wrote it on Facebook, posting a photo of himself with the outgoing mayor of Florence, who is among the top positions in the preference ranking on the Dem list in Central Italy, and is therefore close to election.

2.10 am

Definitive turnout: 59.08% in Tuscany, Italy under 50%

In Tuscany, 59.08% of eligible voters went to the polls for the 2024 European elections: the definitive figure marks a decline compared to the 65.75% of the 2019 European elections. The national figure also highlights a drop of around seven points percentages, bringing the turnout figure (49.66% with around 200 sections to be scrutinized out of over 61 thousand) for the first time below 50% in the history of political and European elections in Italy.

2.03 am

Torselli, Nardella and Mazzeo in full swing for Strasbourg

An initial analysis on the data arriving from the sections of Central Italy, with more than a third of the sections scrutinized (4,343 out of 11,829) would attribute five seats to the Brothers of Italy, five to the Pd, two to the 5 Star Movement, one each for Forza Italy-We Moderates, League, Green Alliance and Left. United States of Europe and Action, currently below the 4% threshold, would not bring elected representatives to Strasbourg.

Taking for granted the renunciations of Giorgia Meloni, Elly Schlein and Antonio Tajani, net of other renunciations and the options for one constituency or another by the candidates present in more than one area of ​​Italy, maintaining the current positions in terms of preferences would be elected in Central Italy Nicola Procaccini, Carlo Ciccioli, Marco Squarta, Francesco Torselli, Antonella Sberna (FdI); Dario Nardella, Matteo Ricci, Nicola Zingaretti, Camilla Laureti and Antonio Mazzeo (Pd); Carolina Morace (M5s); Salvatore De Meo (Fi-Nm); Roberto Vannacci (Lega); Ignazio Marino (Avs).


Pd ahead (31.71%) at the halfway point

The Democratic Party, with more than half of the sections scrutinized (2,014 out of 3,926), consolidates its position as the first party in Tuscany: the Dems now have 31.71% of the vote, against 27.61% of the Brothers of Italy. This is followed by the 5 Star Movement (8.19%), the Greens and Left Alliance (7.63%), the League (6.27%), Forza Italia-Noi Moderati (6.26%), the United States of Europe (4. 71%).


Vannacci effect for the League, the outgoing Ceccardi chases him

General Roberto Vannacci gets plenty of preferences in Tuscany: the League candidate, with 428 sections scrutinized out of 3,926, obtains 3,467 personal votes, a clear advantage over the outgoing MEP Susanna Ceccardi (1,984), former mayor of Cascina and candidate for governor in 2020. All the others are far behind, with the economist Claudio Borghi at 384, and the remaining candidates under 60 preferences.

1.01 am

Melons queen of preferences also in Tuscany

The data is still very partial, but in 248 sections out of 3,926 the most voted candidate in Tuscany for the European elections is Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who with 6,325 preferences leads Fratelli d’Italia, where regional councilor Francesco Torselli follows her at a great distance (912). The Democratic Party, on the other hand, sees a leading trio with the outgoing mayor of Florence Dario Nardella (2,660 preferences), the national secretary Elly Schlein (2,102), and the president of the regional council Antonio Mazzeo (1,069).

0.52 am

The highest turnout in Florence, Lucca and Massa under 50%

Also by virtue of the driving force of the administrative elections in the capital and in other important municipalities such as Scandicci and Signa, Florence confirms itself as the Tuscan province with the highest turnout in the European elections: the semi-definitive figure (only two sections to be counted) is 65.03% , with a drop of around five points compared to 70.21% in 2019. At the other extreme, the provinces of Lucca (48.20% against 57.93%) and Massa Carrara (46.90% against 54.97 %) are those with the lowest turnout: for both the definitive figure is under 50%.

0.44 am

Pd-FdI head to head for primacy among the parties

As happened in the 2022 political elections, also in these European elections there is a head-to-head between the Democratic Party and the Brothers of Italy for the prize of first party in the region. With 471 sections scrutinized out of 3,926, the Democratic Party leads with 30.51% of the votes, closely followed by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s party with 29.79%. The other parties are far behind: 5 Star Movement (7.99%), Forza Italia-Noi Moderati (6.68%), Lega (6.66%), Green and Left Alliance (6.64%), United States of ‘Europe (4.33%).

0.38 am

Turnout in Tuscany, almost 7 points less than 2019

Voter turnout in Tuscany for the European elections is decreasing: the semi-definitive turnout figure in the region (20 sections missing) is 59.04% at 11pm on Sunday 9 June, compared to the 65.73% recorded in 2019 The trend towards a decline in voters is therefore accentuated: in 2014 the turnout in Tuscany was 66.69%. The decline recorded at a regional level is in line with that of Central Italy, and with the national average figure.

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