Elections, polling stations open until 11pm. 100 year old Santina also voted in Val Brembilla

Polling stations also open on Sunday 9 June from 7am to 11pm for the European elections and for 164 Bergamo municipalities. We remind you that every voter must bring their voter card and a valid identity document with them to the polls.

Voting for European Parliament all people from Bergamo are called: those entitled to vote, based on the data released by the Prefecture, they are 880,727, of which 435,956 men and 444,771 women, divided into 977 electoral sections, of which eight hospital ones.

In 164 Municipalities – including the city of Bergamo – we also vote for the mayor and city councilors: the administrative vote 605,166 voters are affected, of which approximately 305 thousand women and 299 thousand men. There are 323 aspiring first citizens in the 164 Municipalities (about twenty fewer than in the previous round in 2019). In 46 cases a single list came forward: the challenge will therefore be played with a quorum.

The three mayoral candidates of Bergamo voted in the city on Saturday afternoon: at 3pm Andrea Pezzotta at the Social Domus, followed by Elena Carnevali at Palazzo Frizzoni at 4.30pm, Apicella at 6pm in the Alberico da Rosciate school.

The curiosity

Among the curiosities from the city and province, on Sunday morning in Val Brembilla, at polling station number 1 in the center of the town, a lady who turned 100 on June 6th, Santina Sonzogni, voted. In the city on Saturday the vote of Linda and Andrea, married in Sant’Alessandro in Colonna in Bergamo and, having left the church, ready to vote in a nearby polling station. Obviously with the wedding dress. There was no shortage of congratulations from the scrutineers. In Bergamo there are 87 over-centenarians called to vote (including a 107-year-old woman) and 436 newly eighteen-year-olds.

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Useful information

Several people realized at the last minute that they did not have a valid ballot paper with them. In Bergamo extraordinary opening of Palazzo Uffici also on 8 and 9 June. People with disabilities who need help to reach the polling stations on voting days can instead book the transport service – offered free of charge by the Municipality – by calling 035399228. For doubts or questions on the conduct of the elections in the city we recommend contacting electoral office by email to the address [email protected] or by calling 3341050356, active from Monday to Friday (9-13; 14.30-16).

Two wrong names on the FdI list, rush to reprint all the posters

Two errors in the names of as many candidates in the Brothers of Italy list delayed, on Saturday afternoon, the delivery of the correct posters to the polling stations of the city. When voting opened, the first version, the wrong one, was displayed in many sections. Having noticed the typos, the Municipality asked the printer to print the correct version as a matter of urgency a few hours before the start of voting. The posters arrived at Palazzo Frizzoni late in the morning and were distributed to the sections, where, however, in many cases those with the wrong names remained posted for hours. At first, while waiting for the new posters, labels with the correct names were also printed and promptly glued in some polling stations. In both cases, the two surnames were still written correctly even in the first version of the posters. The two candidates in question are Antonio di Blasio known as Antonio Matteo (in the first version he appeared “only” as Antonio Matteo di Blasio) and Prandvera Kalivaci known as Ela (in the wrong poster the first “r” was missing from his first name).

The 60 scrutineers who were missing on the eve have been found

All the scrutineers were present at the starting line: the Municipality made it known that, at the last minute, the approximately 60 who had given up their positions were replaced. All voting phases were therefore guaranteed, right from the opening of the polls. Some inconveniences were reported on Saturday afternoon at the polling station set up at the Center for all ages in Redona, where the lift stopped working around 4pm. Assistance was called and should repair the fault on Sunday morning. The disabled people registered on the electoral lists on the first and second floors of the building were able to vote in one of the sections on the ground floor (with the agreement of all the polling station presidents), while some elderly people decided to show up again on Sunday, hoping for elevator working again.

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