Nesta new coach of Monza: announcement soon

Nesta new coach of Monza: announcement soon
Nesta new coach of Monza: announcement soon

So it will be Alessandro Nesta the third coach of Monza in Serie A. After Giovanni It sucks and Raphael PalladinoHadrian Galliani he bet on the technician of the Reggiana.

Nesta new coach of Monza: announcement and presentation soon

As soon as he manages to free himself from the contract with the Reggiana (the renewal was due until 2025), Nesta it will be made official by Monza. The announcement could come early next week. Subsequently, the presentation in the press room of the UPower Stadium alongside Adriano Galliani who strongly wanted him in this new adventure. Theoretically, as reported by some media, Monza should pay a penalty of 150 thousand euros to Reggiana, but the Brianza team hope to avoid this situation.

The manager from Brianza on Nesta he spoke like this

The Deputy Vice President and CEO of Monza Adriano Galliani, on the sidelines of the presentation of the book “There’s only a president” by Carlo Pellegatti and Peppe Di Stefano, he focused on the future of the Brianza bench. In fact, the plenipotentiary from Monza confirmed, between the lines, the arrival of the coach from Collevecchio in Brianza.

Alessandro Nesta is a member of Reggiana, which is a friendly club. Let’s leave him alone and then we’ll see. Of course, there’s this thing that some loves don’t end. Won’t the next coach go to Arcore for the first time? Yes, but he had probably gone there before. It will be someone I also brought to the terrace of the Gallia hotel a few years ago. Pirlo? Yes, we thought about him too. Then a series of arguments were made.

These are the manager’s jokes about the former central defender of Lazio and Milan, 2006 World Champion with Italy.

Adriano Galliani spoke emotionally about the late president Silvio Berlusconi:

He is absolutely missed by football, he was the greatest Italian president, but also a visionary and a wonderful person. Everyone who had the chance to know him and work with him loves him. He was an extraordinary man, I was lucky enough to have my life intersect with his for 45 years and, every morning, when I have to decide whether to go north or south, whether to go one way or the other, I ask myself what he would have done and I try to do what he would have done. I have it in my mind day and night, always. Ideas of him always alive? I said them today, but he has ranged, he has had a successful life: from construction, to television, to football and politics. He is one of the people who is born once every 100 years.

To see the video interview, signed by EsteNews: (CLICK HERE)

The Honorary President of Monza, and brother of the late Silvio Berlusconi, Paolo Berlusconi, spoke to the press, on the sidelines of the presentation event of the book “There is only one President. Silvio Berlusconi, portrait of a dreamer” by Carlo Pellegatti and Peppe Di Stefano, in Milan. He also answered the inevitable questions about the red and white club’s future. here is the frames on the Brianza team, taken from the video of EsteNews..

Monza was an adventure that we wanted to take together with my brother, because we missed Milan. Monza is the present, Silvio took it from Serie C and brought it to Serie A for the first time after 110 years. This is the present, who knows the future…

photo Buzzi / AC Monza

Here to see the whole interview in the EsteNews video: (Click here)

The bench situation has been unblocked Monza. The new coach of the Brianza will in fact be Alessandro Nesta as we announced on May 20th on Monza-News. The white smoke is close, the Lazio trainer should sign an annual contract with the red and white team with the option for a possible second one, if certain conditions occur (salvation). The marriage between the coach from Collevecchio and the people of Brianza has yet to take place. The former Reggiana and Frosinone coach got the better of Marco Baronsitself one step away from Lazio.

Why Monza preferred Nesta to Baroni

But why did Monza prefer Alessandro Nesta to Marco Barons? He explained it our director Stefano Peduzzi on the MonzaNews Youtube channel.

Monza, a Serie A city, returns on Wednesday 12 June to honor Silvio Berlusconi

Monza a Serie A city”, the broadcast produced by Monza-News and conducted by our director Stefano Peduzzi, will return next Wednesday to honor the memory of President Silvio Berlusconi who passed away on June 12th a year ago. The broadcast will go live from 9pm on channel 110 in Lombardy on digital terrestrial, throughout Italy and Europe on Sky on channel 890 and streaming everywhere on the Monza-News Facebook channels, on our Youtube channel. The list of guests in the studio will be announced shortly.

How to comment on the issues of Monza, a Serie A city

But how can we comment on the topics covered during the broadcast of “Monza a Serie A city”? It’s very simple: just connect to the Monza-News Facebook page or our newspaper’s YouTube channel and write your opinion during the broadcast produced by our site and hosted by our director Stefano Peduzzi. It is not possible, at least for the moment, to comment on the live broadcast on Instagram. To host the broadcast in your venue or company you need to send an email to: [email protected]

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