«Sport, culture and greenery: this is how we are changing the face of our neighborhoods» – Turin News

He doesn’t lack knowledge of the area. Luca DeriIn fact, he is in his second consecutive term as president of District 7 which includes – among others – the territories of Aurora, Vanchiglia, Madonna del Pilone and Rossini.

President, what’s cooking for Borgo Aurora?
«Something is certainly moving towards the urban regeneration of the area. And therefore the interventions on GMO (where among other things a 15 thousand square meter park will be created) and the Ponte Mosca area become a priority. Two fundamental construction sites to relaunch the village which would be added to the new PalaSermig sports hall. Also worth mentioning is the work underway at the former Astanteria Martini which will become a center of excellence for public health.”

How are we with the times?
«The works for the old hospital will be completed in 2026. As for the other projects, we cross our fingers and hope that the construction sites can begin, certainly the high cost of materials and the double-digit inflation of 2022-23 will not they helped”.

What does the territory offer its citizens?
«The area offers many attractions and services. From the civic center which provides certain services to the ASL clinic in Lungo Dora Savona. One of the most concrete realities is obviously the Cecchi Point, the center for youth protagonism, and the Cecchi swimming pool which also has a gym”.

In short, an important sports center…
«At Cecchi we have two swimming pools and three gyms. But it is not the only important pole. For example, at Colletta, with Pnrr funding, we will redevelop both the 50 meter swimming pool and the changing rooms and common areas. With particular attention to the nearby synthetic grass football pitch of the Colletta sports facility.”

Without forgetting theaters and places of worship…
«We have 4 theaters and cultural centers, which offer citizens the possibility of having places in which to interact and have fun».

From a security point of view? A topic dear to citizens…
«Both real safety and perceived safety must be increased. In some contexts there is an improper use of the territory (I am thinking of abandoned areas) which naturally attract situations of social degradation”.

What are the kinks?
«We still have two critical issues: one is the Carpanini bridge/Moscow bridge with the presence of situations of social fragility and drug dealing. And then Principe Oddone ran, with a significant number of drug dealers. With the arrival of the joint garrison, the situation has improved slightly along the banks of the Dora but we still need to work to defeat the drug dealing.”

Gardens chapter: Alimonda, what is changing?
«Thanks to the work put in place by the administration (I’m thinking of the multi-purpose sports surface, the cameras, the lighting and the new children’s area) the area has certainly improved. Thanks must be given to the Arqa committee and the activities it offers weekly.”

In this regard, what is the relationship with local associations and committees?
«It’s definitely a good relationship. Now the citizens are waiting for answers but we believe that having a council of the same political color as the 7th District can help to unblock works that have been stopped for some time.”

Moving towards Vanchiglia, what do you plan to do this summer for the nightlife phenomenon in Santa Giulia?
«The opening of new premises at Valentino could help to contain the presence of young people, both in Vanchiglia and in Borgo Rossini. After that, the problem is very complex and is common to the vast majority of Italian cities.”

During the day, however, there are other difficulties: those related to the market for example. What is the current situation?
«It is a local market much appreciated by residents, but like all markets it has to take into account competition with large-scale distribution. Without forgetting online. It should also be the street vendors themselves who try to experiment with new forms of commerce, starting with the afternoon opening rather than reflecting on home delivery, in a collective form.”

How do you see the future of Corso Belgio?
«We are happy that the judge’s ruling confirmed what was reiterated several times by the technicians of the Municipality of Turin. That is, that the trees are in continuous regression, and that all the trees must be replaced in 5 years. Others, however, argued the opposite.”

On Madonna del Pilone, however, the project of the return of 3 to Piazza Hermada is still alive. Are there any deadlines?
«We worked so that the tram could return to the old route. Above all to facilitate the students of the school center in via Figlie dei Militari.”

And how do you plan to intervene on the problems of the hill (landslides, flooding) in synergy with the Municipality?
«It is an expertise in the field of the civic administration with which we will shortly have a meeting to understand how to recover resources, to secure some areas such as Strada Fenestrelle and Strada Sant’Anna».

A dream in the drawer?
«Since dreams don’t always come true, it would be enough for us to complete the urban regeneration works in the area within the expected time frame».

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