Polling stations, the great escape

The great escape from the polling stations. This time we are not talking about abstention (to verify it we will have to wait until 11pm this evening) but about the dozens and dozens of flat rates from the presidents and scrutineers appointed in recent weeks.

Polling stations, the great escape

A phenomenon that has always been physiological but which in recent times has acquired pathological dimensions, both at a national and local level. A phenomenon partly attributable to the same disaffection of voters with politics: if once being president or scrutineer at the polls was perceived as a citizen’s duty, a service rendered to the community or even a reason for pride or pride (becoming a public official for a day, or rather for several days), today the appointment to the seat is mostly felt as a corvée, an annoying toll to be paid to that old and encrusted institution called democracy.

READ ALSO The municipal elections are a barrier against abstention

The appointment to the seat is seen as a hassle

In practice, like a hassle, also poorly paid and therefore to be avoided. The municipal electoral commissions know something about this, but also the courts of appeal, grappling these days with an avalanche of defections, medical certificates and therefore last minute replacements. The former appoint the scrutineers, the latter the presidents of the polling stations, who in turn choose the secretaries.

Three out of 16 presidents gave a forfeit to Civita Castellana

In Civita Castellana, a municipality where only the European elections are held, three presidents out of 16 have withdrawn and have already been replaced by the Courts of Appeal, while the municipal electoral commission has had to scrape the bottom of the barrel of scrutineers, i.e. the list of the substitutes (made up of 60 names) ending up also drawing on citizens not registered on the list.


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