La Cantera smiles Lorenzo is back – Pescara

PESCARA. What risked becoming a tragedy turned into a fairy tale: Lorenzo returned to the pitch with his teammates. At the Poggio degli Ulivi in ​​Città Sant’Angelo, the triangular semi-final match of the Under 13 championship between Castrum Silvi and Cantera Adriatica was replayed, suspended and postponed a week ago due to the serious accident that occurred to the Cantera player, Lorenzo, transported by air ambulance to the hospital in Pescara due to a head injury suffered following a fortuitous clash with an opponent. The patron’s Under 13 boy Massimo Giannetti, after the violent fall to the ground, he lost consciousness and had a convulsive fit. Providential, perhaps decisive in avoiding the worst, was the intervention of two parents present in the stands, one a nurse and the other a doctor (the doctor Daniela Fantonemother of a Cantera player), who stabilized Lorenzo before the arrival of the air ambulance.
The young footballer from Pescara remained for two days under observation in the civil hospital of Pescara and underwent two CT scans, both negative. After a few days of rest, here’s the nice surprise: Lorenzo is back on the pitch, even if only as a spectator, alongside his teammates, who replayed the match against Castrum Silvi and won the final for the regional category title. Pescara Calcio, which was the host club, also took part in the semi-final triangular tournament.
The president’s company Sebastianiby the head of the youth sector, Angelo Londrillo, honored Lorenzo with a white and blue Delfino shirt, personalized with his name. A few moments of emotion and emotion, then between smiles and hugs we went back to thinking only of the pitch and the football being played. Lorenzo will now enjoy the summer holidays and will return to play next season. Before him, however, he will be able to support his Under 13 teammates again in the regional final for the title.

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