Brescia Trasporti, yes to the “historic” agreement on workers’ hours and wages

Faster seniority increases, fewer driving hours for drivers over 55, elimination of mandatory holidays and economic incentives linked to productivity. Translated: in Brescia Trasporti you will work less and earn more. He predicts it the second level internal agreement signed by the unions with the company controlled by Brescia Mobilità, in turn controlled by the Lodge. A “historic” result for at least two reasons: because it comes after years of union requests to which the company had resisted given the crisis in local public transport due to cuts and the pandemic, and the reverberations that the agreement will have at a national level given which represents a reversal of trend, a precedent that could set a precedent in other cities and has repercussions above all in Asstra, the association that brings together 140 TPL companies in which Brescia Mobilità is strongly representative.

The unions are satisfied: «It is important because it comes after years of mobilization and with a single platform of demands for all the unions in the company» he states Davide Bertolassi of Filt-Cgil, who however points out that «there is still a lot to do, especially on attendance in the company, the so-called “tape”, which must be shortened because the need felt by workers is to better reconcile life times with work times». It is the second success for the unions in a short time: the first was to obtain an economic incentive of 2,500 euros that Brescia Mobilità gave to its employees last month and respond to the many resignations due to low wages and too much work.

A situation that had led to several strikes and demonstrations in the last year, promoted in particular by the grassroots unions who now speak of a “generally positive agreement, even if with some shadows” as explained by Maurizio Murari of Cobas Trasporti, who is echoed by Francesco Billone , Cobas Rsu inside the company, which promises battle over the company’s willingness to recognize 4 days of additional holidays, but only in exchange for attendance at work for at least 250 days a year. «This agreement shows that only fighting pays» says Billone announcing «a new season of fighting as early as September». The Municipality certainly also played a role which, while respecting the company’s autonomy and independence, had shown sensitivity towards the workers, also because this Administration focuses a lot on mobility and plays a demanding game with important investments.

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