Renewables Decree: the government limits the areas for new installations

Green light for the Renewables Decree for “suitable areas”: it establishes where and how it will be possible to build the plants. The areas will be identified within 180 days by the Regions. Wind and solar operators on a war footing: “It will be chaos”.

Operators had been waiting for it in vain for years. In the end, when it finally arrived, they were the most disappointed: “Confusion will increase, projects will suffer even more delays, we risk Italy’s energy independence“. Very harsh judgments from the associations that collect the food supply chain photovoltaic and wind power. But is it really like that?

We started from the news. With the green light from the State-Regions Conference, the “Suitable Areas” decree was approved: in practice, it establishes the criteria for the construction of renewable plants, with what limits and above all where it will not be possible to build them.

In the intentions of Minister of the Environment Gilberto Pichetto, the decree should bring clarity to the sector and speed up the works. The Renewables decree will now be published and then the Regions will be assigned the task, to identify suitable areas within 180 days.

Where wind and photovoltaic systems can be built and where it is prohibited

But what are they? the “posts” that led to the revolt of the operators? According to the decree, they are considered unsuitable “Land surfaces and areas within the perimeter of the assets subject to protection“. With what criteria should they be excluded? For “needs to protect cultural heritage and landscape, agricultural and forestry areas, air quality and water bodies“.

So it will be possible to find space for new plants according to the Renewables Decree? There where it will be possible to privilege “the use of surfaces of built structures, such as industrial warehouses and car parks, as well as areas for industrial, artisanal, service and logistics use, and verifying the suitability of areas that cannot be used for other purposes, including non-usable agricultural areas“.

The decree allows the Regions to establish a buffer zone around the protected assetswhere systems cannot be installed, up to a maximum of 7 kilometers in width. Existing renewables and their refurbishments are excluded from all new constraints.

renewable decree
Business Minister Urso (right) with his Environment colleague Pichetto.

Two winners in the Renewables Decree: farmers and Regions

In fact, the decree as presented by Minister Pichetto, fully implements the prohibitions that were included in the Agriculture Decree approved two weeks ago by the Council of Ministers, with which yes prevents the installation of renewable plants on agricultural landi, even when they have not been cultivated for some time.

The farmers’ associations, starting with Coldiretti, are among the winners of this match. They asked for (and obtained) specific constraints to prevent anyone who sees in the category more advantageous to rent your own land for the installation of panelsrather than carrying out agricultural activities.

They came out great too the regions. They had asked to have the final say. They will have it: they will be the ones to identify the areas. He explained it very well Alessandra Todde, new governor of Sardinia who led the delegation of the Regions: “There will be no more permissions going over our heads“.

Alessandra Todde

They came out great too the regions. They had asked to have the final say. They will have it: they will be the ones to identify the areas. He explained it very well Alessandra Todde, new governor of Sardinia who led the delegation of the Regions: “There will be no more permissions going over our heads“.

The revolt of the operators: “Investments and jobs are lost”

Judgments negative from the associations of renewables. For Anevwhich includes a part of the wind power supply chain, the provision “it is largely inadequate to meet the 80 gigawatt goals” And “turns out to be an obstacle” For “define preferential and expedited channels for the authorization processes required by Europe“.

Also rejected byPhotovoltaic Alliance: “A regime of generalized limitations and confusion takes shape, causing an immediate loss of investments and jobs.
In the medium – long term, Italy will fail to meet the Pniec objectives, putting the country’s energy security at serious risk“.

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