Salerno mourns Margaret Cittadino: farewell to the trade unionist who protected the rights of the sick

Salerno cries there disappearance Of Margaret Citizena long-time trade unionist and always on the front line to assert the rights of workers and ordinary men and women victims of injustice, so much so that he deserved the role of president of the Patient’s rights tribunal.

Margaret Citizen has won many battles, but that long, exhausting tug of war against the evil that had attacked her was unfortunately as courageous as it was useless.

This is the memory of Antonio Capezzutoprovincial secretary of Cgil Fp: “The news of Margaret Cittadino’s passing today saddens an entire community. Margaret was an extraordinary woman who dedicated her existence to the defense of the rights of workers and the sick, to defend the universality of public health. Margaret was a beacon of hope for many, an example of commitment and dedication.

His long trade union militancy within the CGIL Public Service and in the confederal CGIL has left an indelible mark. He fought until his last breath for dignified working conditions, for social justice and for healthcare accessible to all. His passion and determination has inspired generations of activists and workers.

Margaret never backed down from challenges. She faced difficulties with courage and always sought and proposed solutions. Her voice was raised against injustices, cuts to the healthcare system and staff shortages. You have worked tirelessly to ensure that every citizen has access to quality care.

Today, as we say goodbye to Margaret, we remember her with gratitude and gratitude. Her fighting spirit and dedication will always remain in our hearts. We will continue to carry on her legacy, working towards a more just and supportive world.

Goodbye, dear Margaret, rest in peace“.

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