UISP – Matera – “Sport Civico”, Uisp Matera presents a double event to talk about the redevelopment of the Piazza Degli Olmi district

UISP – Matera – “Sport Civico”, Uisp Matera presents a double event to talk about the redevelopment of the Piazza Degli Olmi district
UISP – Matera – “Sport Civico”, Uisp Matera presents a double event to talk about the redevelopment of the Piazza Degli Olmi district

“Sport Civico”, Uisp Matera presents a double event to talk about the redevelopment of the Piazza Degli Olmi district

On Saturday 8 June, from 4.30 pm, a new meeting of the project carried out by the Uisp Territorial Committee of Matera will be held in Piazza Degli Olmi: many activities as part of a community celebration, characterized by urban regeneration actions through sport.

It’s called Civic Sport and it reads as urban regeneration through sport, that is, using sport for everyone as a point of view tailored to each individual to improve and transform one’s city, making it more livable and welcoming for everyone, from children to the elderly. The national Uisp project, supported by the Department for Sport, intervened in seven degraded areas of as many Italian cities (including Matera) and in fourteen months of work regenerated them and returned them to social use for wellness activities, sports games and physical activity.

In this sense, on Saturday 8 June, from 4.30 pm, a new meeting of the project carried out by the Uisp Territorial Committee of Matera will be held in Piazza Degli Olmi: many activities as part of a community celebration, characterized by urban regeneration actions through sport.

Fitness gymnastics, gentle gymnastics, yoga, walking groups, multisport activities for 3/10 years, street soccer, ping pong, burraco, street basketball and tchoukball, as well as gardening actions for the arrangement of a new flowerbed and flower boxes: these are the activities in program for an afternoon of fun and being together.

Instead, on Tuesday 11 June in Rome, at the Industrie Fluviali, via del Porto Fluviale 35, from 11am to 1.30pm, the results of the project will be presented. The pilot actions carried out will be commented on by urban planners, architects and national and international guests.

In Matera, Piazza degli Olmi has been redeveloped through sporting and planting activities, while in Reggio Emilia, the Noce Nero Park has seen the creation of spaces for calisthenics, free body training, and other sporting activities. Similar interventions were also carried out at the Jannelli Park in Taranto, at the Ex Fontana Park in Veggiano (Padua), in the Aniene Valley in Rome, in the Fontanelle Park in Prato and in the former Fabbrica Cumiana 15 in Turin.

“The interventions involved sports associations and residents, schools and local institutions in a collective project of European inspiration that was born from the bottom,” comments Tiziano Pesce, Uisp national president. “Sport Civico was launched with the aim of promoting an intervention model that integrates sport into urban development and regeneration processes. This approach, known as mainstreamingaims to make sport a tool to achieve social and well-being objectives within cities”.

“We are happy to present the results of this intense process which saw a high involvement of the local community, as well as an important synergy between Uisp, students and inhabitants of the neighbourhood. We have the ambition to continue with these activities, with the hope of exporting the format to other districts of the city of Sassi and the province of Matera. I take this opportunity to thank the national Uisp, the Municipality of Matera, the Bramente Institute and the operators of our affiliated associations for this splendid shared journey”, adds Claudia Coronella, president of the Uisp Territorial Committee of Matera.

Speakers: Mogens Kirkeby, vice-president of the Advisory Committee on Sport of the Council of Europe and president of Isca, international association of sports for all; Astrid Marie Astrupgaard, urban sociologist and project manager at the Gehl studio in Copenhagen; Flavio Siniscalchi, head of the Department for Sport, Presidency of the Council of Ministers; Tiziano Pesce, national president of Uisp; Francesca Nicotera, Sports and Health coordinator of the Investigation Area for the interventions of the Second Multi-Year Sports and Suburbs Plan; Elena Dorato, professor of Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara; Giorgio Chiaranda, director of the Sports Medicine and Health Promotion Operational Unit of AUSL Piacenza; Luciano Gallo, public contracts and social innovation representative, ANCI Emilia-Romagna; Pasquale Bonasora, president of Labsus

During the event we will try to answer the question of how to integrate sport into public policies and urban regeneration projects. The debate will offer insights into how sporting practices can promote better management of public spaces in a sense of community, thus improving democratic participation

published on: 06/07/2024 | viewed 17 times

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