at 8.15pm in Reggio Emilia the ‘beautiful’ event for the promotion. Baskérs Forlimpopoli, there is a dream to turn into reality

at 8.15pm in Reggio Emilia the ‘beautiful’ event for the promotion. Baskérs Forlimpopoli, there is a dream to turn into reality
at 8.15pm in Reggio Emilia the ‘beautiful’ event for the promotion. Baskérs Forlimpopoli, there is a dream to turn into reality

All in forty minutes: at 8.15pm, at the PalaBigi in Reggio Emilia, the Baskérs Forlimpopoli will face Basket 2000 Reggio Emilia for the decisive game 3 of the final promotion of the single Serie C championship. A match without appeal that will divide the destinies of the two teams: one will be able to rejoice for access to the field in the next Interregional B championship, the other will be left with a bitter taste in their mouth and the awareness of having played a memorable season.

If in game 1, after an excellent first half, Forlimpopoli sank to -11, missing the overtaking basket at 73-72 in the 37th minute and losing the opportunity to blitz (87-77 at the end), in game 2 the Galletti they put on a practically perfect performance, overturning the -6 of the first few minutes and leading without too many worries for over 35′. This evening, however, everything will be decided: if Pedrazzi returns to the Reggio Emilia ranks (absent in game 2 for work reasons), at Baskérs it will be necessary to evaluate the conditions of Bracci and Lorenzo Brighi who came out bruised from the midweek match.

“As in all finals, I believe that this evening it will be the mental aspect that will make the difference – comments coach Alessandro Tumidei –. It will be necessary to have maximum concentration and attention to try to win, smoothing out all the technical details and trying to take a further step forward compared to the previous two matches. Then there will be the emotional aspect, the ability to better manage the positive and negative moments of the match, to throw all the energy we have onto the pitch We will do our best to realize this dream.”

It was 2013 when the club was founded by a group of boys in their early twenties: today, ten seasons later, it can reach the highest point for all of Forlimpopoli basketball.

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