European elections 2024: 15 seats open in Calabria. Voting tomorrow too – FORM – PREFERENCES – VOTE

COSENZA – Polls open from 3pm today throughout Italy (including Calabria) for the 2024 European elections who will elect the representatives in the European Parliament. Currently the European Parliament is made up of 705 members and for the next tenth
legislature, after the exit of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
from the European Unionthey will become 720, of which 76 from Italy. The electoral system used is proportional, with one threshold of 4%. Below this threshold a list does not elect any European parliamentarians. After the allocation of seats to each list, the candidates who received the most preferences will be elected. To vote you have to be 18 years old And Italian citizens who reside in another member state can also do so of the EU by voting in the country of residence provided that certain conditions are respected.

European Elections 2024 When to vote

Voting takes place from 2pm to 10pm today, Saturday 8 June, and from 7am to 11pm tomorrow, Sunday 9 June. The counting of votes will begin simultaneously across Europe at the end of voting, therefore after 11pm on 9 June. On Monday, however, it will begin the counting of ballots for the local elections which take place on the same days.

Constituencies: Calabria in the southern one: orange card

Italian voters will be divided into five supra-regional constituencies: North-Western, North-Eastern, Central, Southern and Islands. These constituencies will elect a number of deputies in proportion to the population: Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata and Calabria are included in the IV district Southern. Calabrian voters will be given an orange ballot. The Southern District elects 18 MEPs.

Total voters Southern constituency: 12,431,296
– Italians: 10,866,181
– Italians residing in non-EU states: 1,028,859
– EU citizens residing in Italy: 9,477
– Italians in other EU states: 523,705

How to vote and preferences – Separate voting is not permitted

To be able to exercise the right to vote at the section electoral office on whose lists you are registered, a valid identification document and electoral card must be shown. Anyone who does not have it or has lost it can request it from their electoral office even on voting day. Every voter will receive only one ballot paper (as mentioned orange for Calabrian citizens). To vote it will be enough make a mark on the symbol of the list you intend to vote for.

Every voter can also express up to a maximum of three preference votes for candidates from the same list. In the case of two or three preferences expressed, these must concern candidates of different sexes, under penalty of cancellation of the second and third preferences. It is understood that, in the case of expression of three preferences, the order in which male or female candidates are indicated has no relevance, in the sense that first two candidates of the same sex can validly vote in succession and then the candidate of the other sex. If the voter draws a mark on more than one list mark, the vote is invalid.

Nullity is also determined by any other way of expressing the vote other than those indicated above if the voter’s intention to cancel the ballot or to make the vote recognizable is clear. Is split voting possible? No, you will not be able to cross out the symbol of a list and express preferences over candidates from other lists. In this case, the card will be considered void.


The functions of the European Parliament

The European Parliament was established in 1952 as the Common Assembly of the
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and took over in 1962
officially the name “European Parliament”. It is based in Strasbourg (France), Brussels (Belgium) and Luxembourg. The work of the European Parliament is divided into two main phases:

• Commissions

The European Parliament matters twenty commissions and three subcommissionsi, each
which deals with a specific sector. Committees prepare legislation and examine legislative proposals. MEPs and political groups can table amendments or reject them. Land proposals are also discussed within the political groups.

• Plenary sessions

Plenary sessions adopt legislation. During the sessions the MEPs
they gather in the hemicycle to cast a final vote on the legislative proposals
and the proposed amendments. They usually take place in Strasbourg for four days
per month, but additional sessions are sometimes organized in Brussels.

The functions of the European Parliament

• Legislative activity

– adopts EU legislation, together with the Council of the EU, on the basis of
proposals from the European Commission
– decides on international agreements
– decides on enlargements
– reviews the Commission’s work program and asks it to present
legislative proposals

• Supervision

– carries out democratic control over all EU institutions
– elects the president of the Commission and approves the Commission as
organ. He can vote on a motion of censure, forcing the Commission to
– grants discharge, i.e. approves the way EU budgets have been spent
– examines citizens’ petitions and initiates investigations
– discusses monetary policy with the European Central Bank
– addresses questions to the Commission and the Council
– carries out electoral monitoring

• Balance

– prepares the budget of the European Union, together with the Council;
– approves the EU’s long-term budget, the “multiannual financial framework”

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