Municipality, the clash over staff

Orthere is never a head-on clash between trade union organizations and the municipal administration. At the center are the working conditions of municipal employees and the complaints that come from Cisl and from Uil of the public area.

«In recent months – he explains Fabio Ligonzocompany secretary of the CISL Public Function – the Municipality of Taranto has been the scene of growing discontent among employees, worried about the deterioration of their working, salary and professional conditions.

«It is clear – Ligonzo denounces – that employees, driven by economic difficulties and the precariousness of their conditions, are ending up fighting each other rather than joining forces to face common challenges. The scarcity of resources and opportunities, combined with the lack of an inclusive and supportive corporate welfare policy, has fueled a toxic climate of rivalry and internal competition. The CISL FP intervened several times to reverse this destructive trend, but without receiving concrete answers.”

The less than serene climate denounced by the CISL would therefore have ended up creating what the union secretary himself defines as “a clash between the poor”.

Against each other

«We cannot allow – states Ligonzo – that employees are forced to fight against each other to survive, while general working conditions continue to worsen.”

Some situations, in particular, cause concern: «The dispute in the educational sector is still ongoing, waiting to define the new school calendar for municipal nursery schools; the tax staff, despite the extraordinary work carried out by the accounting staff, will not be guaranteed fair compensation for the extra hours, penalizing their commitment and dedication. Logistics is inefficient: the reorganization of the Departments has fragmented the services into multiple locations, creating considerable inconvenience for workers and hindering the efficiency of the service. A clear example is that of Social services, where staff are forced to continually move between different locations. The same goes for theMunicipal Attorney’s Office, which was put in conflict with the Social Services, soon located in a location far from the judicial offices in via Marche, complicating the work of the lawyers. Furthermore, the staff of the district offices are forced to migrate from one office to another to guarantee a minimum service, due to the lack of personnel and resources. Exclusive professional training: it is provided only to a select few, without concrete investments for all employees, limiting their opportunities for growth and professional development, as well as economic progressions, blocked: even horizontal and vertical economic progressions, mandatory by law according to the 2019/2021 CCNL, are blocked, penalizing workers’ careers and creating a climate of demotivation. Not to mention the adaptation of the regulation for the distribution of incentives for technical functions, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 36/2023, still anchored to the old rule”.

Outside the Taranto Ecosystem

«The union asks the administration to intervene urgently to resolve the problems highlighted and to re-establish a climate of serenity and trust among the workers, who do not seem to belong to the “Taranto Ecosystem” project. A transition that should be characterized by meritocracyfrom the training and give it development of skills. Only with concrete commitment and constructive dialogue – concludes the company secretary of CISL FP – will it be possible to guarantee an efficient and quality public service for the citizens of Taranto. In the absence of adequate responses, this Trade Union Organization will be forced to start a mobilization of the entire staff to assert workers’ rights, concludes Ligonzo.

The warning from Uil

It is not only the CISL Civil Service that complains about this climate of unease among Municipality employees. In recent days, in fact, Uil Fpl sent a certified email to the mayor Rinaldo Meluccito the general director, to the general secretary and to all the managers of the Municipality of Taranto «to request the immediate application of theunion agreement stipulated on 5 December 2023″.

«The request – it is explained – already formulated on two previous occasions (17 February and 20 March 2024), is presented again with decisive and peremptory tones”.

In the letter signed by Diego Murri And Giuseppe Zingaropoliof the delegation dealing with the Uil fpl Taranto“the importance of “correct trade union relations” and the principle of “reciprocity” between the social and institutional parties is underlined”.

«Despite previous requests – declare Murri and Zingaropoli – the municipal administration has not yet responded to the request for application of the agreement». Uil Fpl reiterates the need to follow up on what was agreed within 15 days of receiving the certified e-mail.

«Respecting the agreements – comments Diego Murri – is essential to maintaining a climate of trust and collaboration Between the parts. We cannot allow the commitments made to be ignored or underestimated. We trust that the municipal administration understands the urgency of the situation and will act accordingly.”

Principles reiterated by Zingaropoli: «This request is not just a formality, but a necessary act to protect workers’ rights and guarantee the compliance with trade union agreements. Failure to apply the agreement of 5 December 2023 would represent a serious violation of trade union relations and the principles of correctness that must guide the action of every public body.” Uil Fpl clarifies that the lack of feedback and the consequent non-application of the agreement “will be considered as a violation of the signed agreements, with possible legal repercussions”.

«The warning sent – it concludes – represents a last attempt to resolve the issue amicably, but Uil fpl is ready to undertake all necessary actions to protect your rights».

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