Irpinia chooses 42 mayors. In Avellino a seat for seven. European parties are counted: challenge to the last preference

After weeks of an uninspiring election campaign, but this is nothing new, the word finally passes to the voters.

Polls open from 3pm to 11pm today and tomorrow from 7am to 11pm. Voting is taking place throughout Italy for the renewal of the European Parliament, in 3,715 municipalities to choose mayors and city councilors and in Piedmont for the regional elections.

Therefore, an important electoral round that will not fail to produce effects on the political balance, both national and local. From 11pm on Sunday the ballot for the European elections, from 2pm on Monday for the local elections.

The Europeans

It has often been repeated in recent days that the vote for the European Parliament is decisive, not only to establish the weight of the political forces in the Strasbourg hemicycle, but also because it will have a decisive impact on the composition, and therefore on the direction, of the next European Commission.

The outcome of the European elections, there is no denying it, will be equally important to test the strength of the parties at a national level. In Italy, the centre-right parties face their first real test since they came into government. The vote will therefore, inevitably, also be a judgment on the work of the Meloni executive, especially if we take into account that the prime minister took to the field directly by running as leader in all the constituencies. Within the coalition it will then be necessary to see who will emerge victorious and who will lose.

The transition is delicate especially for Matteo Salvini, which fresh from a series of electoral failures is playing for everything. Should things go badly for him this time too, his leadership would be at risk and could pass into the hands of Luca Zaia, current governor of Veneto. In this case, unpredictable scenarios would open up on regional futures (for example in Veneto itself) and also on the path to important reforms such as differentiated autonomy and the premiership.

To avoid the debacle, Salvini decided to ride the Vannacci phenomenon and to nominate the general leader in two constituencies, in the hope of a driving effect on the Northern League.

The test will also be interesting for Forza Italia which, in its first national test after the death of its founder, aims to overtake the League and become the second party in the coalition.

On the opposite front, the broad and varied one of oppositions, we will have to see if, by adding everyone’s consensus, the so-called broad field (even if it is not clear to whom it has expanded) will be in a position, at least numerically, to compete for the government of the country in the future. Here too, the votes of the individual parties will count a lot, both to define the balance between the Pd and Cinquestelle (and therefore the distance between Schlein and Conte), and to clarify once and for all who between Renzi and Calenda (United States of Europe or Action) will be able to “conquer” the center and therefore be the balance in the next elections.

Finally, it will be interesting to evaluate the consensus that that vast consensus will be able to gather archipelago of populist and anti-system lists, of various inspirations, which is competing in the elections: therefore “Libertà” by Cateno De Luca, “Pace Terra e Dignità” by Santoro; “Sovereign and Popular Democracy” by Rizzo and Toscano, “Alternativa Popolare” by Bandecchi, the newly formed “Animalisti-Italexit” team. As has already happened in the past, the hard and pure Eurosceptic front is divided and therefore risks not being incisive, but overall the data, once aggregated, will be useful to understand how widespread aversion to EU policies is in our country .

European elections, when and how to vote in Italy – YouTube

The Irpinia candidates

Several people from Irpinia present in the immense Southern constituency are competing for the available seats until the last preference goes down.

For the Democratic Party there is Francesco Todisco, former municipal councilor in Avellino. Fratelli d’Italia is focusing on the new provincial president of the party Ines Fruncillo and on the young man Nicola D’Ambrosioat the national summit of University Action. Angelo Antonio D’Agostino, entrepreneur and owner of Avellino football, is instead on the pitch for Forza Italia. The Arianese is running for the League Marica Grande. In the Cinquestelle team it’s up to Maura Sarno, former councilor of the municipality of Avellino, representing Irpinia. While for the Green and Left Alliance it is on the list Alessandra Marianooriginally from Bonito.

Finally, in the United States of Europe team, that of Renzi and Bonino, there is Alfonso Maria Gallo, member of the national secretary of Più Europa; while Azione di Calenda candid Paola Fanfarillo Manganiellomanager of an employers’ association of cooperative businesses and lawyer

Administrative Campania

Campania is also involved in an important round of administrative elections. 161 municipalities will be renewing their mayors and civic assemblies, 18 of which have a population exceeding the threshold of 15,000 inhabitants, therefore with a possible double shift. The only capital to vote is Avellino. Other important centers that will go to the polls are Casoria, which has more than 70 thousand inhabitants, Castellammare di Stabia, 62 thousand citizens, Torre Annunziata, 40 thousand, Aversa, 50 thousand, Bacoli, Capaccio, Castel Volturno, Nocera Superiore, Sarno, Sant’ Antimo and San Giuseppe Vesuviano, all populous and politically significant areas.

Municipal elections 2024: how to vote on 8 and 9 June for the administrative elections – YouTube

Avellino, Irpinia

First of all, in the province of Avellino there is the challenge for the capital. The city goes to the polls in the aftermath of a judicial investigation that overwhelmed the outgoing mayor, Gianluca Festa, and which sees one of the seven candidates for the tricolor band under investigation, Laura Nargi, deputy mayor for the last five years, at the helm of three civic lists. The other challengers, as is known, are Antonio Genagro for the centre-left broad field, Rino Genovese for the Civic Pact, Modestino Iandoli for Fratelli d’Italia, Aldo D’Andrea for Unità Popolare, Gennaro Romei for the UDC, Vittorio Boccieri for Avellino Futura project. There are 16 lists in the field, a veritable army of aspiring councillors. 45,815 eligible people (21,747 men, 24,068 women). The possible runoff will be held on 23 and 24 June.

In Irpinia They are called 41 other municipalities are also at the polls, all under 15 thousand inhabitants, except Montoro, where in fact the possibility of a run-off is envisaged. Other important voting centers are Mercogliano and above all Montella. In fact, in the Altirpino municipality it is decided not only who will be the future mayor but also whether the president of the Province, Rizieri Buonopane, will be able to continue to remain at the helm of Palazzo Caracciolo. In the event of his failure to be re-elected, there would shortly be new elections for the sole choice of the president.

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