«FdI is the real change. In Avellino and Europe. All around only dwarfs who look like giants”

«FdI is the real change. In Avellino and Europe. All around only dwarfs who look like giants”
«FdI is the real change. In Avellino and Europe. All around only dwarfs who look like giants”

It’s up to the Brothers of Italy to close the round of rallies before the electoral silence. But the apparently unfavorable draw did not discourage Agnes from participating in Piazzetta, which gathered supporters of the Tricolore Flame, ready to support her in both the local elections and the European elections.

She is the candidate running for Brussels, as well as FdI provincial president, Ines Fruncillo, to open the evening and to reiterate that his candidacy was born «due to a political commitment that has deep roots in this city and in this land. I was nominated by my party, by the ruling group of the Brothers of Italy, I do not represent myself, I do not represent a power group, but an idea of ​​Europe and Italy, a ruling class which in this time has been called to lead the country along the path of change and which wants to contribute to the necessary change in Europe too. Voting for me means voting for a future project. We are not in the field for ourselves, unlike other candidates around this city, who are in the field alone, with their last name and nothing more. We will give a voice to the South, especially the internal and marginal territories which represent the true heart of the country’s development policies.”

Before handing over the stage to the mayoral candidate Modestino Iandoli, Fruncillo does not spare a jab at those who contested the choice of running alone in the local elections: «From the beginning we closed off any space for hypothetical public operations to purchase the party by those who, expelled from the centre-left, were looking for a new virginity and counted on the support of some accidental deputy. We worked until the last minute for the unity of the centre-right, we did it in Rome, Naples and Avellino. Avellino is the only capital of Campania called to vote and the centre-right government had the duty to be on the field with its own identity and its own proposal to win. But upon testing the facts, we realized that our allies had no other ambition than to dilute their own weakness in convenient civility, seeking agreements with those who have governed the city in these five years, leading it into the abyss.”

«We were on the field right from the start with the ambition of getting to the run-off to win – begins the aspiring mayor of FdI – and today, on the eve of the vote, we are absolutely certain that we can achieve our objective. We feel great attention, the city’s support is profound, it has to do with those Avellino residents who want to believe in the possibility of change. This was a strange electoral campaign, animated by characters who were in many ways grotesque, and on which the moral question weighed enormously, due to what unfortunately happened. And as the days went by the city began to understand, to think and got closer to us. That same city will push us to the ballot, because it has understood that we are the only credible alternative, the only ones who have had nothing to do with the disaster of these five years nor of the last forty years. Because we must never forget that whoever governed Palazzo di Città until a few weeks ago, starting with former mayor Festa, is a renegade son of the Democratic Party and the centre-left.”

A necessary passage is made on those who could have been natural allies, and they found themselves direct competitors: «The candidate of the so-called civic pact, who for a month now has been wandering around the city with troops at the ready, cannot speak of a revolution. followed just to let us know that he didn’t expect the city to be in such bad shape. He talks about renewal but is supported by the two main allies of former mayor Festa: Petitto and D’Agostino, while in his lists he is nominating outgoing councilors and councilors of the majority. This is a makeshift civility, of the transformists. And he does all this with the shameless political cover of a Deputy of the Republic, elected in this constituency with the votes of the centre-right, nominated by the Brothers of Italy, who for two years has attempted in every way to hand over the keys of the coalition to the former mayor of Avellino, but we didn’t give it to him!”.

Iandoli underlines that, despite representing the centre-right, they are addressing all the citizens of Avellino who believe in the need for a true and radical choice: «And we do not promise them the impossible, but first of all to act in the exclusive interest of the community, in full respect for the law and with maximum transparency. We will not rig competitions, we will not take away computers, we will not play with sponsorships and contracts, we will publish all the resolutions and all the determinations. After that, we are the ruling class, we are serious people and – if over the course of these weeks we have been the only ones speaking the language of seriousness – we will certainly not stop tonight. There are two strategic priorities: on the one hand, restoring the city from a financial point of view, because there is not a single euro in the cash, we have over seven million in deficit to cover in 2024, and a recovery plan which is being examined by the Court of the Accounts, with a tripled expense. On the other, investing. We will do this by pushing on the planning front, bringing together the huge resources that come from Europe, especially if we have a direct link to the election of Ines Fruncillo. And we will make use of the best energies of the city, calling together the best skills. Today, when the sun of culture is low, we are surrounded by many dwarfs who seem giants, but remain dwarfs. We, however, must bring Avellino, the capital of Irpinia, back to the times when it was important, when it was able to count on a great ruling class, capable of dictating the agenda on an institutional level, in Naples as in Rome. Giants who were not on my political side, but what giants they remain. Today we propose to follow in his footsteps and we will do it with our ideas, with our vision of the city, but without sectarianism, through involvement, without blood tests, without vetoes. Give us the chance, don’t be afraid of change!

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