“The Electrical Installer Days” debuts in Bergamo

The Electrical Installer’s Days, organized by Promoberg, is the new fair dedicated to professionals in the electrical world engaged in the sectors of plant engineering, electric mobility, renewables, safety and comfort, automation, lighting, instrumentation and equipment.

The exhibition part is accompanied by the training part through conferences, seminars and workshops held by experts in the sector.

Electrical Installer Days

This new B2B event will allow professionals in the electricity sector to see first-hand the products and services offered by over sixty companies and to interact with their respective representatives.

The demonstration also brought together the main associations in the sector, obtaining the patronage of Anie CSI, Federesco and Albiqual, CNA, Confartigianato and the Province. Added to these is the support of Promoberg’s historic partners such as Intesa Sanpaolo and Banco BPM Credito Bergamasco (main sponsor), Gewiss and Alibaba (main partner), Cribis (technical partner) and Diadora Utility (safety partner).

From left, Andrea Ferriani (president of the Scientific Committee of Le Giornate dell’Installatore Elettrico and CEO of Editoriale Delfino), Davide Lenarduzzi (CEO of Promoberg), Elena Tiraboschi (Project Manager of Fiera Bergamo) and Luciano Patelli (President of Promoberg)

“The Electrical Installer Days were born from the desire to give an adequate response to the requests of operators, who need a meeting and discussion point capable of promoting both their professional growth and the recognition of their role”, he explains Davide Lenarduzzi, CEO of Promoberg. “Fiera di Bergamo was considered the optimal location for the new event for multiple structural, logistical and territorial reasons”.

Andrea Ferriani, president of the Scientific Committee of Le Giornate dell’Installatore Elettrico, added that “training and information are really two added values ​​for an event like the Electrical Installer’s Days. The scientific committee, together with all the actors involved, has identified and shared a training program in line with the needs of modern professional installers. We are convinced that, especially in this historical period of profound and rapid transformation and characterized by the complexity of emerging technologies, acquiring new skills and updating knowledge is crucial to guarantee excellent performance and remain competitive on the market”.

A packed conference programme

Two are also planned in the extensive training agenda, made up of more than 50 events conferences that award training credits:

  • Electrical workers for Pav-Pes-Pei – Promoted by Confartigianato Bergamo, it will be held on 14 June at 9.00 in the Colleoni room (Fiera Congress Centre);
  • Innovative technologies, tools, methods and incentives for improving the energy efficiency and environmental sustainability of the building envelope – organized by the Order of Engineers of the province of Caserta, will be held on 14 June at 10.00 in the Galvani room.

To encourage attendance at the Electrical Installer Days, it will be possible to take advantage of the free shuttle service between the Fair, Bergamo airport and the city’s train station.

Entry is free upon online registration.

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