In Cittanova the awarding of honorary citizenships: the Municipality awarded the bronze medal for civil merit

In Cittanova the awarding of honorary citizenships: the Municipality awarded the bronze medal for civil merit
In Cittanova the awarding of honorary citizenships: the Municipality awarded the bronze medal for civil merit

In the evocative setting of the new “Vincenzo De Cristo” Municipal Library of Cittanova, this morning the Mayor Francesco Cosentino proceeded to hand over the Honorary Citizenships to the Deputy Chief of Police – Central Director of the Criminal Police SE Prefect Dr. Raffaele Grassi and the Deputy Chief of Police of the State Police Dr. Francesco Maria Montanaro.

«Integerous personalities at the service of the State, animated by high values, such as love for work and for the institutions, points of reference in the governance of the territory and in maintaining security» it was explained.

During an official ceremony, also attended by the Prefect of Reggio Calabria Dr. Clara Vaccaro, the Police Commissioner of Reggio Calabria Dr. Salvatore La Rosa and numerous military, civil and religious authorities, the First Citizen of Cittanova recalled the extraordinary work carried out by the “State team” to combat organized crime and the social and cultural phenomena linked to it, with particular reference to the drastic downsizing of the age-old plague of stray cattle of the ‘Ndrangheta.

A challenge, that of the “sacred cows”, which saw the Municipality as both a driving force and a support for the work of the State Bodies, also thanks to the concrete contribution of the Municipal Offices.

«The Municipal Administration – stated the Mayor Francesco Cosentino – intended to conclude its ten-year journey of city government by conferring Honorary Citizenship on two personalities of high professional and human caliber who, in the recent history of the country and the territory, in their respective roles of responsibility, have worked for the common good by influencing issues of particular social and cultural relevance and leaving a significant mark for the future. The Prefect Dr. Raffaele Grassi, in his role as Police Commissioner of Reggio Calabria, was a decisive protagonist in a battle of legality and justice that we celebrate with pride today. Likewise, the humanity, competence and spirit of service of the Deputy Chief of Police Dr. Francesco Maria Montanaro, director of the Cittanova police station for many years, has contributed to the growth of our country, even in complex phases such as the pandemic emergency and the increase in migratory flows in the area. We wanted these two luminous figures, a symbol of commitment, humanity, culture and very high values, to be the first to cross the threshold of our new Library, a place of culture that we deliver to the Community of Cittanova for renewed and solid paths of shared growth».

Last May 31st, unanimously and at the instigation of the Council, the City Council approved the Honorary Citizenships officially awarded this morning.

These are the reasons:

«Conferral of Honorary Citizenship to Dr. Raffaele Grassi, an upright personality at the service of the State, animated by high values, such as love for work and for the institutions, a point of reference in the governance of the territory and the maintenance of security».

«Conferral of Honorary Citizenship to Dr. Francesco Maria Montanaro, whose professional action in the service of the State has proven effective and important in renewing that precious and distinctive trait of identity that makes Cittanova a welcoming and inclusive country in the wake of respect and legality».

Moving thanks were expressed by the Deputy Chief of Police and Central Director of the Criminal Police HE Prefect Dr. Raffaele Grassi and the Deputy Chief of Police Dr. Francesco Maria Montanaro.

«We have lived through a historical period that has seen goodness and security reaffirmed in this territory – stated HE the Prefect Dr. Raffaele Grassi -. Today there is so much emotion for this recognition which takes us back to important battles faced and won in difficult territory. The unity of purpose of everyone, beyond the roles and the color of the uniforms, made the difference. Legality is a beautiful value around which we must rally and bind ourselves. Law enforcement, administrators, press, citizens are all protagonists of the virtuous growth paths. And, with this synergy, in recent years we have taken a weapon away from the ‘Ndrangheta. Mayor – he continued – she is a good person and something more. She has always kept her back straight and for me it is an honor to receive this honor. I carry the province of Reggio Calabria and the Community of Cittanova in my heart. Thank you all for this beautiful and significant gesture».

«Here in Cittanova I have experienced wonderful and highly formative years both on a professional and human level – stated the Deputy Chief of Police Dr. Francesco Maria Montanaro -. I immediately felt like a citizen of this community. On the second day of service at the Novigrad police station, I experienced an Order and Security Committee that put to the test a structure that over time I learned to live like a family. And I address my thoughts and sincere thanks to these colleagues. In a delicate moment in the life of this territory, despite the scale of the challenge, I found the full support of HE the Prefect Dr. Fats. I also extend thanks to my family, to the Cittanova Carabinieri Station Command with whom we have collaborated profitably. Finally, thanks to the Mayor of Cittanova, the City Council and the entire city community for this prestigious recognition».

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