UnivAq, qualifying courses for secondary school teachers begin

UnivAq, qualifying courses for secondary school teachers begin
UnivAq, qualifying courses for secondary school teachers begin

L’AQUILA – The newly established University Center for the Training of Secondary Teachers (CUFIS) of the University of L’Aquila is ready to launch 13 training courses for as many competitive classes of lower secondary schools. In this way we respond to the need for teachers expressed by the Ministry of Education and Merit and the territory, as well as the expectations of numerous aspiring teachers among undergraduates, recent graduates and temporary workers at the school.

The admission notice can be consulted at:https://www.univaq.it/section.php?id=2224, it will be open until 1pm on Monday 17 June and provides for the coverage of 285 places in total. Candidates must register for the course from 11 June 2024 until 1.00 pm on 17 June 2024, The training courses respond to the new teacher training model described in the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023 which provides for the integration of transversal area skills, common to all courses, divided into pedagogical, psycho-socio-anthropological, legal and IT and skills relating to the teaching of specific disciplines. A salient part of the training will be dedicated to internships in schools accredited by the Regional School Office for Abruzzo. Undergraduates and graduates will be able to follow a 60 CFU course, while school temporary workers and competition winners without qualifications will be able to follow a 30 CFU course. Classes will begin in intensive mode on July 15th.

Competition classes activated

A-22 Italian, history, geography, in lower secondary school

A-12 Literary disciplines in secondary education institutions

A-19 Philosophy and history

B-02 Conversation in a foreign language (English)

AD-24 Foreign languages ​​and cultures in upper secondary education institutions (German)

A-48 Motor and sports sciences in secondary education institutions

A-26 Mathematics

A-27 Mathematics and physics

A-20 Physics

A-50 Natural, chemical and biological sciences

A-40 Electrical and electronic sciences and technologies

A-42 Mechanical sciences and technologies

B-17 Mechanical science and technology laboratories

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