Stealing money from the cash register of a bathing establishment: a 39-year-old reported

Stealing money from the cash register of a bathing establishment: a 39-year-old reported
Stealing money from the cash register of a bathing establishment: a 39-year-old reported

The prevention activity carried out by the staff of the police stations and the mobile radio section of the carabinieri of Viareggio made it possible to identify and report a 39-year-old Italian resident in the municipality of Camaiore, for theft: the man, seizing the moment of distraction of the holders of one bathing establishment in Lido di Camaiorehad taken possession of the sum of money kept inside the cash register.

Another complaint arrived for a 24 year old Moroccanillegal in Italian territory, homeless and already held responsible for the theft of two mobile phones removed from a bed and breakfast still nearby Lido di Camaiore: in this circumstance it was decisive the technical activity of seizure and analysis of the structure’s surveillance cameras which allowed the police to identify the perpetrator.

To these activities are added the two arrests made in recent days by the Radiomobile Section – emergency department for territorial control services – who arrested a man of Maghrebi origin, aged around 30, already known to the police, who was responsible for a theft from a car in Piazza D’Azeglio in Viareggio and that of the Massarosa carabinieri who after the investigative activity were able to identify and arrest under a precautionary custody order in prison, the perpetrator of the robbery committed against the pharmacy in Piano di Mommio.

The fight against drug dealing and consumption has also been included in the tasks of the enforcement activity which during the checks in Pineta di Levante and which led to seize over 10 grams of hashish and reporting todrug addiction office of the prefecture of two people as hirers.

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