Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th at the polls. In Imola 54 thousand citizens voted for the European elections

Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th at the polls. In Imola 54 thousand citizens voted for the European elections
Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th at the polls. In Imola 54 thousand citizens voted for the European elections

Polls open this weekend for over 54 thousand Imola residents. In fact, there are 54,731 cities and hamlets entitled to vote in Italy’s elections for members of the European Parliament. There are 26,469 males and 28,262 females. There are 247 18-year-olds (born between 1 January and 9 June 2024) who will be able to vote for the first time.

For everyone the appointment is tomorrow from 3pm to 11pm and Sunday from 7am to 11pm. There are 62 ordinary seats, in addition to the three special ones (Home for the elderly and Casa Cassiano Tozzoli, Montecatone and new hospital). Two ‘flying’ polling stations for the collection of votes in healthcare facilities should also be noted: the Villa Armonia shelter and the Fiorella Baroncini elderly residence.

There are 65 polling station presidents (62 plus three for the special polling stations), 62 secretaries and 254 scrutineers, of which 248 in the 62 ordinary polling stations and two for each special polling station. The counting will begin immediately after the closing of voting and after the number of voters has been ascertained.

To access the vote, in addition to the identity document, it is necessary to show the electoral card: in case of loss, theft or damage, a duplicate can be obtained; if the spaces run out, a new card must be requested by presenting the complete electoral card. In this regard, the electoral office (piazzale Ragazzi del ’99) observes the following extraordinary openings: today from 9am to 6pm; tomorrow from 9am to 11pm; Sunday from 7am to 11pm.

To express your vote you need to tick the symbol of a list and add, if necessary, up to three preferences indicating candidate people on that list: if you express more than one preference, these must be for candidates of a different gender (example: a man and a woman, two women and a man or two men and a woman).

In case of need, regarding the elections, you can call 0542.602215 (this is the number of the Citizen Services switchboard), which will be active tomorrow and Sunday at the following time: tomorrow from 9am to 11pm (time continued); Sunday from 7am to 11pm (non-stop).

On the Municipality’s website, where all the information useful for voting is reported, the data relating to voter turnout in the city will be released: updates tomorrow evening at 11pm (when the polls close) and on Sunday at 12pm, 7pm and 11pm (final data when the polls close). Once the voting operations have been completed and the counting has begun, the list data will be progressively published as the counting operations proceed, until they are concluded. The (unofficial) data are published after the communication made to the Prefecture, at intervals established by the Prefecture itself.

The unofficial results of the European elections in the ten municipalities of the area will be published on the District website. In eight of these (all except Imola and Castel del Rio) the local elections also take place tomorrow and Sunday. In this case, the counting will begin on Monday at 2 pm.

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