Trapani: Falcone and Borsellino’s mural vandalized: “Video surveillance is needed”

An act of vandalism was perpetrated in recent days against the mural dedicated to Falcone and Borsellino at the entrance to the grove in via Salemi, in Trapani. «The grove in via Salemi is a place of my heart for me. I have no difficulty in recognizing the efforts of this municipal administration which I thank for having accepted our appeal, after the “Trees for the future” event, to redevelop this green space, previously a place of degradation and insecurity. Today I ask Mayor Tranchida and the municipal administration for a further commitment with the inhabitants of the neighborhood and with the people of Trapani, that a video surveillance system be installed there”. This was said by the Trapani regional deputy of the M5S, Cristina Ciminnisi, commenting on the serious act.

«In a few months – continues the deputy – associations, citizens, families have learned to appreciateand and experience this green area with initiatives that respect the healthy values ​​of citizenship, also inspired by the values ​​of legality and the rejection of any form of mafia. Video surveillance will contribute to compliance of the area and to its protection form of art donated for enjoyment dall”

«May the mural of be defaced John Falcone and Paul I believe Borsellino is an act of unprecedented gravity, regardless of the fact that it is at the entrance to a “grove” which today is also an emblem of a cultural and environmental rebirth to which the city of Trapani aspires And should aspire. Cthat it is done due to refusal dhey values ​​of legality and justice that Falcon And Purse represent seems worrying to me and confirms that, perhaps, we are lowering the threshold of attention with respect to a mafia culture from which we have not at all freed ourselves. If then, as is perhaps best hoped for, was done only out of boredom or to get people talking about themselves, let it be known that the only thing that will be said deglthe unknown vandals is that they are poor ignorant people. Their gesture says a lot about a cultural poverty that also affects the way in which some understand collective spaces in this city”.

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