Veneto, cases of whooping cough are increasing: especially newborns without vaccination coverage are affected

Veneto, cases of whooping cough are increasing: especially newborns without vaccination coverage are affected
Veneto, cases of whooping cough are increasing: especially newborns without vaccination coverage are affected

Year to date in Veneto a has been registered increase in cases of whooping cough compared to previous years. An increase was found throughout Italy and also in other European countries. For this reason, our Prevention Department is monitoring the evolution of the situation with particular attention. The problem does not escape us and is addressed with scientific rigor and attention to the categories most at risk.”

This was announced by the regional councilor for health, Manuela Lanzarinin relation to an increase in the spread of whooping cough compared to previous years.

“The cases notified in Veneto from 1 January to 31 May 2024 were in total 643 – specify the technicians directed by Dr. Francesca Russo. Most cases are concentrated in the age group up to 14 years (553). THE serious caseswho requested the recovery in hospital they are in total 26, of which 20 in children under 9 months of life not yet fully vaccinated e 4 in older children but not in compliance with the recommended vaccination schedule. From the analyzed data it emerges that the newborns who had a severe form were born from mothers That Not they had been vaccinated during pregnancy. They also occurred 16 cases in people with over 65 years old”.

Whooping cough is an infectious disease that alternates between periods in which it is less widespread and periods in which peaks in cases occur. Symptoms may be mild or absent but serious clinical pictures can also develop, especially in younger children (in the first 6-12 months of life), or in subjects with specific conditions of risk and fragility (immunocompromised, subjects with chronic respiratory diseases and the elderly).
“For prevention – inform the regional technicians – the vaccination, which allows you to avoid serious forms of the disease. Vaccine prevention is mainly based on three free interventionsavailable in Veneto for several years already: the vaccination of pregnant woman (preferably between the 27th and 36th week of each pregnancy), which allows the newborn to be provided with antibodies from birth that will protect him for the first 2 months of life; the vaccination of newborn, starting from the 2nd month of life, to protect him in the following months; the call back periodicals of adults, in particular of subjects with respiratory diseases, immunocompromised subjects and elderly people.

Pregnant women, explains a press release from the Region, they can get vaccinated by contacting the Local Health Authority Vaccination Services and priority and facilitated access methods are provided.
Parents of newborns they receive at home by post an invitation letter to start childhood vaccinations, including whooping cough, which already indicates the date and location of the first appointment.
For all the other people It is also important to carry out periodic vaccination boosters. Children (5 years old) and adolescents (14 years old) receive an invitation via post from the Ulss. Adults, on the other hand, must independently schedule the vaccination every ten years which can be administered with the same vaccine that also acts as a booster for tetanus.

“Given the current scenario – conclude the technicians of the regional prevention sector – it is even more important to adhere to the vaccination recommendation. In fact, vaccination remains one of the most important prevention tools to minimize the risk and protect everyone’s health. For further information you can consult the website or in any case contact the vaccination service of your local health authority, your gynaecologist, your midwife or your pediatrician or doctor”.

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