Conference at the Matera chamber of commerce to implement equality in modern organizations. The road to equity is still long: only 22% of executives are women

The conference “Certified equity: towards a future of gender equality” will be held today in Matera, promoted by the Labor Consultants of Basilicata in collaboration with the INPS regional management of Basilicata, Inail and Inl and the Regional Equality Councillor. During the conference, the INPS Regional Director, Benedetta Dito, will analyze some data (provided by the INPS Central Studies and Research Directorate) referring to the year 2022, representative of the gender gap in the labor market and in the social security system of the Basilicata region , which indicate that equality in the labor market is still far from being fully achieved. The rate of feminization by professional qualification highlights for Basilicata that women are strongly underrepresented in managerial and managerial positions. In fact, in 2022, only 22.55% of workers who hold the role of manager are women (albeit growing compared to 2010) compared to 77.45% of those belonging to the male sex. The opposite occurs among white-collar workers who have a feminization rate of 52.66%. Important differences in salary levels are found even when male and female workers with the same professional qualification are observed. In 2022, women with clerical qualifications received on average €10,000 less per year than men (a difference that has remained stable over the years). Greater deviations are highlighted, however, when comparing the salary levels of male managers with those of women with the same job position. In fact, the latter receive on average €32 thousand less than male managers. We often talk about vertical segregation and the “glass ceiling” to represent the still existing barriers that preclude women from climbing to the top in the professional field or which, at the very least, hinder the career progression of female workers. Similarly, there is a gap in terms of pension income: the difference between the average monthly amount for the year 2022 of the Private Employees Fund between male and female pensioners is €409 (to the detriment of the latter) up to € 588 for the public sector. Finally, a focus on the use of parental leave by fathers employed in the private sector: the number of beneficiaries of compulsory leave went from 742 to 1,162 in 2022. The analysis of the rate of use of the measure (take up ) highlights that the same appears higher on average among men aged between 30-39 years, with a variability ranging from 14% to 55.7% depending on the period considered and among those aged between 40-49 years, with values ​​ranging from 14.4% in the years 2013-2015 to 58.2% in 2022. Furthermore, the use of this right is greater among fathers who have a permanent employment relationship, or characterized by stability and greater guarantees, compared to fathers with a fixed-term or seasonal employment relationship and with an ISEE indicator above €40,000. The use of optional leave still remains limited: in 2022 only 20 beneficiaries will be registered in Basilicata. The INPS Regional Directorate, with the aim of strengthening knowledge of the measures implemented by the political decision-maker to reconcile family responsibilities with the working life of parents and to allow them to use, more easily, the tools linked to the presence of children, such as leave, nursery bonuses, single universal allowance up to exemption from contributions (the so-called Mother Bonus), has updated, with the collaboration of the other administrations involved and the Basilicata Region, the information booklet “Next to mothers and beyond” , already put online last year and finalist of the “PA Semplice” award at the PA Forum 2024. This is in the knowledge that even the relational networks that bring local bodies and institutions into synergy can provide further support and stimulus to contrast policies to gender gaps.

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