last day June 7th also in the polling stations

All the students of Varese city are celebrating the last day of school today, Friday 7 June. Also children and young people whose schools host the polling station for the European elections for which voting will take place over the weekend, starting from tomorrow afternoon, Saturday 8 June from 3pm.

It is the first time that voting has taken place on a Saturday and all schools received the communication from the Prefect that the polling rooms would be free from 1pm on Thursday 6 June.
Thus, despite the school calendar, for some schools, even in the province of Varese, yesterday, Thursday 6 June, became the last day of school, often with just a few weeks’ notice.

This did not happen in the schools of the city of Varese thanks to work coordinated by the Municipality of Varese.
With the aim of not creating inconvenience for families in organizing their children and not distorting parties and greetings already planned by students in the various schools, the Department of Educational Services first involved the principals of the 5 comprehensive schools in Varese and then others departments, in a team effort to keep June 7th as the last day of school for everyone.

«With the principals we have verified that there are two classrooms available for seats, or at most 3 in each complex – says the councilor for educational services Rossella Dimaggio – We then asked the executives to hypothesize activities for June 7th that would allow all pupils to attend school, without using the classrooms involved. This is a request accompanied by the availability of spaces and activities by the Municipality, such as the Stadium, made available by the Department of Sport, guided tours of the civic museums offered by the Department of Culture and visits with the GEV to the city parks by the Department of the Environment”.

The latter option was used by some primary classes of the Varese 2 Pellico comprehensive school.
In this way, the extra-curricular canteen and after-school services will also function regularly throughout the day of June 7th, until 5.30 pm for students registered for the service.
«I sincerely thank the councilors, managers and employees of the Municipality, as well as principals, teachers, educators and school staff for the collaboration shown in this coordination which made it possible to save the last day of school with respect for all students and of all families”, says councilor Rossella Dimaggio.

This is an initiative he has the applause also from the superintendent Giuseppe Carcano and the parents, as evidenced by a letter sent to the Director of Varesenews (reported in full below) with the hope that “this organization will be adopted from now on on the occasion of every election or referendum” .

Good morning,

I am writing to praise the innovative decision of the Municipality of Varese not to close all the public schools where polling stations are located for the entire Friday before the election weekend, but relocate only the students of the few classes where polling stations are located and allow the regular carrying out of morning, canteen and after-school school activities: it is a concrete and appreciated attention to the management problems of families.

We hope that this organization will be adopted from now on at every election or referendum.

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