“Sicily is a reference for the Mediterranean”

06 June 2024, 18:35

2 min read

PALERMO – “This initiative, which immediately found my approval, can be useful to create a communication project that has a common feeling within the Mediterranean basin”. The president of the said it Sicilian Region, Renato Schifaniopening this morning at Palazzo d’Orleans the work of the final day of the 32nd Assembly of Mediterranean press agencies organized by ANSA, in the presence of representatives of around twenty countries.

Schifani’s words

“And in this context Sicily can be considered – added Schifani – as a solidarity hub, but also for tourism and energy issues. I believe that the dialogue between Euro-Mediterranean countries is essential and due to its geographical position, but also due to its over a thousand-year cultural history, our island can represent a reference for the entire area of ​​North Africa”.

In his speech, Schifani also focused on the topic of immigration, with the continuous uncontrolled and uncontrollable landings. “Our prime minister Giorgia Meloni – he said – is working very well on the side of bilateral treaties with the countries from which immigrants depart without control. An approach that I fully agree with: if we don’t intervene in this way it’s difficult to find a stop to departures.”

Von der Leyen in Lampedusa

And again, the Sicilian governor recalled that “last year, the president of the EU Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, wanted to visit Lampedusa and realized the situation facing the island and the commitments and efforts made by the national and regional governments. We too have done our part in times of great emergency. In one night we found ourselves having to host 4,000 exiles who had landed with nothing: in 48 hours our activity made it possible to avoid collapse. Only with a bilateral policy with border countries can a solution be found.”

The President of the Region also wanted to underline that next spring vOne of the symbols of Palermo, the Utveggio Castle above Monte Pellegrino, will be reopened to the public and which “will be intended to host large international meetings that look at the sub-Mediterranean area as moments of meeting, cultural, scientific and industrial training”.

Published on

06 June 2024, 18:35

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