Cruises, already 16 thousand passengers. And from Sunday the “Costa” returns

Cruises, already 16 thousand passengers. And from Sunday the “Costa” returns
Cruises, already 16 thousand passengers. And from Sunday the “Costa” returns

From Tarantoas of June 3, approximately 16 thousand have passed through in this first part of 2024 passengers from the cruises and it is with this numerical data that the port begins the real start of the season on Sunday with the docking for the first time of the group’s Costa Fascinosa Costa Crociere, in its second year of activity. Since this is a new ship, there will be a farewell ceremony on board.

Last year, at the end of June, the Port Authority data showed a total of 32,319 passengers while in the first half of 2021 31,324 had been registered. However, two aspects need to be clarified: the first is that these latest data refer to the full semester while the 16 thousand essentially refer to the first five months of 2024; the second is that in Taranto the season takes off with large groups and so far, except for a couple of Tui ships, medium-small units have arrived, some of which are niche. That is, fewer passengers on board but with higher spending capacity.

«Our season started on April 17, but considering that up to now we have had luxury ships, which tend to be smaller, we are doing the big numbers with Mein Schiff and Costa – Raffaella Del Prete, general manager of Global Ports Holding, who is deals with ground assistance for passengers -. In the cruise market there is competition and it is clear that if one wants to keep customers or acquire new ones, he must offer a certain service and have ships that are up to par. The 2024 season? It’s going fine. Clearly we would like more ships than we have, but that’s fine. Next week I’m in Tarragona to push the season a little further. The important thing is that they are large ships. More ships would be better, because the more there are, the better we can amortize the costs, given the investments we make. Also this year, as in 2023, Costa will embark from Taranto. This means hotels and B&Bs full for three days: the day before departure, the day of the cruise and the day of arrival.”

Like last year, therefore, Costa Crociere starts in June. The possibility of starting earlier and finishing later, as well as adding ships, has also been asked of the company, but the calendars are made two years in advance and therefore there is no margin for now. «Apart from the calendars already made – observes Del Prete -, the geopolitical situation is not helping. Furthermore, their itinerary is closely linked to Greece. This ship in fact comes from Catania, touches Taranto and then goes to Greece. Evidently, anticipating the start of the program didn’t suit their planning, but we still made ample availability. The forecasts are good – adds Del Prete -. After the pandemic, cruises continue to grow. In 2023, in the peak months of July and August, ships were 100% filled. This year everything suggests that the numbers will be confirmed. Obviously we hope for the possibility that Taranto improves the data. However, the impact of the geopolitical situation should not be underestimated. We are in the Mediterranean and perhaps there are people who might be impressed.”

For Costa, approximately 1,500 passengers are expected to embark in Taranto and the same number to disembark. «But this time there will be no disembarkations because it is the ship’s first time and therefore only boardings, plus 3,000-3,400 in transit – highlights Del Prete -. Costa Cuba always around 5,000 people. In addition to Taranto, Costa embarks from Catania, another port managed by Global Ports Holding, and there is also Valletta, where, however, they embark very little. About 300 people. The major boardings take place from Taranto and Catania. Costa Fascinosa is a good quality ship. The menu was prepared by star chefs including Bruno Barbieri.”

Welcome chapter, given that this year Costa will climb Taranto again on Sunday and there is some fear about the city’s response in terms of shops and public places.

«I met Confcommercio and I know that others have also taken action – says Del Prete -. Last year the ship arrived on a Saturday and if you wanted to get, for example, a B&B or a hotel, everything was booked, considering that some travelers arrive the day before and others stay in the city for a few days. So given the experience of 2023, with people around, it should be fine. The point is whether a virtuous circle is created or not. If cruise passengers find it open, they stop in the city. If they find it closed, then comes a negative judgment. The ship should dock at 9am and leave at 7pm. At 10am the passengers are already on land.”

Global Ports Holding has confirmed the same staff as last year: around twenty in total, of which 13-14 on call, but susceptible to increases if Costa Crociere needs additional services. The tensile structure will be active again. It was set up and assembled for the season by the Port Authority, while last year Global Ports Holding provided it. For Costa there are 15-16 check-in desks active, plus 200 reception chairs. Finally, still no decision regarding the construction of a stable structure – a maritime station – or the reconversion of the Falanto centre.



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