Rimini. Anti-abortion posters, the legal battle continues

Rimini. Anti-abortion posters, the legal battle continues
Rimini. Anti-abortion posters, the legal battle continues

All-out legal battle over the anti-abortion posters denied by the council to the Pro Vita e Famiglia Onlus Association: thus officially arriving at a new chapter – perhaps the final one – an affair that began at the end of 2020, with the administration’s refusal to post the messages in which the Ru 486 abortion pill was compared to “a poison”. The council’s act was challenged by Pro Vita before the TAR, which however in 2022 ruled in favor of the Municipality, recognizing that the resolution «in no way violates the freedom of expression of thought protected by the Constitutional Charter and ECHR jurisprudence, limiting itself not to allow the posting of posters whose content was objectively untrue and likely to influence in a misleading and deceptive way (by equating it to a poison) the use of a drug regularly approved by the competent health authorities”. A sentence, the one issued by the Regional Administrative Court, which did not go down well with the association, which decided to take it to the Council of State asking for its review.

The position of the Municipality

For its part, Palazzo Garampi does not let go of an issue that it considers to be of principle and is preparing for a new clash in court: in recent days, as the hearing in Rome approaches, the council has approved a resolution establishing to resist the appeal by appointing Elena Fabbri as legal defender. Also because years have passed since that request to put up the posters of discord, but in the meantime the Pro Vita have not failed to cover the walls with new messages deemed “misleading” by the administration, as in the case of the “Stop gender” poster with the child who had a pink bow placed on his head. Net of the legal issues that will be debated before the Council of State, according to deputy mayor Chiara Bellini the affair of the anti-abortion cartels is symptomatic of a “judgmental attitude” on the part of the association: “Everything that goes in the direction of putting a woman in difficulty while she makes a decision about her life and her body is not acceptable to me – underlines the deputy mayor -. Women should always be left free to decide, there is a law that protects us in this sense. We should act at a training level with education on feelings and emotions. But sex education at school would also be needed.”

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