Railways: Lombardy, the FS Foundation exhibition on the Royal Train begins

Telling the story of the Royal Train through a series of photographs and period documents.

All in a journey that starts from its creation, which took place at the end of the 19th century, up to the subsequent restoration carried out in contemporary times by Italian FS Foundation.

This is the objective of the exhibition ‘La Reggia Viaggiante – History and evolution of the Royal Train between aesthetic wonder and Italian know-how’, promoted by the FS Foundation and inaugurated in the Royal Hall of Milan’s central station in the presence, among others, of the councilors for Transport and Sustainable Mobility and Infrastructure and Public Works of the Lombardy Region.

The exhibition, set up in four prestigious locations in Lombardy (Palazzo Reale and the Sala Reale of the Central Station in Milan, Royal Palace and Saletta Reale in Monza), will be open to the public until 30 June 2024.

Transport Councilor: real train is ‘traveling work of art’
“This initiative – underlined the Councilor for Transport and Sustainable Mobility – is part of a fruitful path started by the Lombardy Region some time ago with the FS Foundation. Every year we finance 600 thousand euros for numerous projects that aim to enhance travel as a 360-degree experience.

Of these, as many as 300 thousand are dedicated to historic trains, which are popular with the public thanks to the opportunity to discover the beauties of Lombardy on board historic and culture-filled trains. The exhibition on the Traveling Palace demonstrates that the presidential royal train is a true traveling ‘work of art’.

This convoy tells the story of our country. A project, together with the historic trains, which the Lombardy Region particularly cares about: we aim to further implement these initiatives, which create value and attractiveness”.

Infrastructure Councilor: initiative is an opportunity to enhance historic trains
This exhibition – underlined the councilor for Infrastructures and Public Works – is an important initiative that demonstrates how attentive the FS Foundation has always been to our history, enhancing a heritage of historic rolling stock and valuable places normally accessible to a few and in few occasions.

It is an initiative that we greatly appreciate and which, as the Lombardy Region, we try to support as we do with the historic trains project. We work in synergy with the FS Foundation to ensure that this cultural and tourist heritage can grow and be increasingly valorised.

This exhibition is an opportunity to see our stations in a different way, not only as places of passage, but as places to create culture”.

Rediscover the beauty of the area thanks to historic trains
The general director of the FS Foundation, Luigi Cantamessa, also took part in the presentation of the exhibition, underlining how initiatives of this type are an opportunity to see the railways as a means of rediscovering the beauty of Lombardy in the context of tourism which, from Milan it radiates throughout the Lombardy region.

All in a context that enhances the excellence of Made in Italy, of which the royal train is an example.

“There is a railway – said Cantamessa – made up of toll booths, little bridges, small quiet areas. These are places in the heart of the train to bring to the attention of millions of tourists who come to Milan. In this way, rail transport must also be seen as a means to reduce tourist overcrowding.

Anyone who sees Milan has the opportunity to see, just to name a few examples, Tirano, Sondrio, the Lombardy plain on board a tourist train, rediscovering the beauty of an entire territory”.

The exhibition, explained the general director of the Fs Foundation, aims to tell the story of the royal train, a small traveling palace which in the past hosted royalty and presidents of the republic, maintaining its charm made of wood, stucco and woven carpets unchanged. measure. These elements make it an example of Made in Italy excellence.

“The royal hall of Milan central station – concluded Cantamessa – will become a museum from January. It is an example of the ability to network and enhance the excellence of Made in Italy”.

Exhibition on the Royal Train is an opportunity to enhance the excellence of Made in Italy
Domenico Piraina, director of the Royal Palace of Milan, also underlined the importance of the exhibition dedicated to the royal train as an opportunity to promote the excellence of Italian know-how.

“We must defend and promote more and more – he said – Made in Italy and its knowledge among citizens. Only by studying the history of our past in depth can we project ourselves with optimism towards the future.”

The thematic threads of the exhibition
The exhibition dedicated to the royal train, organized on the occasion of the General Assembly of the Association of European Royal Residences, an event scheduled in Milan and Monza until 7 June.

The exhibition explores the theme of the train by combining it with that of the royal residences. all through a journey made up of historical and contemporary photographs, original documents and technical drawings from the Archives of the FS Italiane Foundation.

There are four thematic threads in particular. They range from history to art to the excellence of the engineering work. These are areas that find a virtuous synthesis in the valorization of Italian ‘know-how’.

Dates and times
The exhibition is open to the public at the following times:

Royal Pavilion of Milan Central Station from 6 to 8 June (6 June from 2pm to 7pm; 7 and 8 June from 10am to 7pm)
Royal Palace of Milan from 6 to 30 June (Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 7.30pm, Thursday from 10am to 10pm, closed on Mondays)
Royal room of Monza station from 6 June to 30 June: from Wednesday to Friday from 2.30pm to 7.30pm; Saturday and Sunday from 10.30am to 6.30pm
Royal Palace of Monza from 6 to 30 June (Wednesday to Friday from 2.30pm to 7.30pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10.30am to 6.30pm).

Photo Facebook Fondazione FS Italiane

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