The Brothers of Italy occupy the INPS: comrades, favors and electoral campaign

The Brothers of Italy occupy the INPS: comrades, favors and electoral campaign
The Brothers of Italy occupy the INPS: comrades, favors and electoral campaign

In just one day the president explained how good the government is and how the “social card” will work with Minister Lollobrigida; the general director to illustrate with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti a 130 million investment which mocks the framework law on non-self-sufficiency for the elderly by supporting the virtues of private assistance; and, last but not least, a board member who takes the president of the Labor commission of the Fratelli d’Italia senate to meet the employees in “his” Umbria, two days before the European elections.

The picture of the occupation of the INPS by the party of Giorgia Meloni and her associates (and family members) is merciless. In a few months Fratelli d’Italia took over the public institution with more employees and resources, ending up militarizing the central and local offices.

A rapid operation, the opposite timing of the long administration imposed on the INPS to get rid of the former president Pasquale Tridico with invented reasons.

If the friend of all governments Gabriele Fava was called to the presidency, a man considered close to Giorgetti – and author of the sale of the Aviation branch to Ita for just one euro – in reality he is surrounded by friends (or rather, comrades) of the Prime Minister and her trusted advisor Giovambattista Fazzolari.

The governance of INPS has been changed many times in recent years, shifting more and more powers to the general director. And therefore the promotion to the role of Valeria Vittemberga, a former comrade very close to “Fare cope” – in 1992 L’Unità reported the “fight” at his graduation party at the Sapienza University of Rome in which Fazzolari got the worst of it: the autonomists broke up with him a finger – is a moloch of the Brothers of Italy occupation.

Yesterday we had a clear demonstration of this in the space of a few hours. At the government’s press conference to present the fictitious extension of the “social card”, next to the delegated minister – we don’t know why – Francesco Lollobrigida, there was the president of the INPS Gabriele Fava who was full of praise: “It’s a very fair measure, totally in line with INPS because it puts people at the centre. And it will be monitored by us. No critical issues because INPS has identified the beneficiaries and has developed applications for the Municipalities and with Poste Italiane, with efficient procedures and data control, through a very efficient database”, declared Fava, making the Minister of Agriculture happy .

In the same minutes, the general director Valeria Vittimberga was at Cdp, together with the Gemelli Foundation and Investire Sgr (private real estate fund manager) to present a 130 million project to transform three hundred elderly-friendly homes into special condominiums in Rome. «The enabling law 33 (the national framework law on non-self-sufficiency which the Meloni government does not finance, ed.) is taking care of the world of the elderly. The precursor INPS, with the home care premium model, a fund with a mutual formula for seriously disabled people who can access a family financial subsidy to avoid having to go to retirement homes, without being uprooted from their families. The “Spazio Blu” project taken over by INPS, also with interesting interoperability tasks, with tasks of the local health authorities. From the outcome of this experiment it will be understood how to make it structural because an elderly person managed at home costs less to the national health service”, pontificates Vittimberga.

The most serious episode, however, is the work of councilor Fabio Vitale, who aims to be a shadow president of INPS but who has retained the position of director of the Agency for Agricultural Payments (Agea) and his generous salary guaranteed by friend Lollobrigida, while his partner, according to what is whispered, will be promoted to first-tier manager with a salary increase of around 90 thousand a year. Well yesterday Vitale brought «the president of the Social Security and Health Labor Commission of the Senate Francesco Zaffini of Fratelli d’Italia to «meet in Perugia the staff of the INPS Umbria regional directorate to intensify the actions necessary to develop proximity projects with the territory and of administrative simplification for citizens”.

The INPS press office – the announcement also opened “INPS news”, the podcast with the “press review” of the day – is keen to let it be known that “the staff proved to be particularly motivated and actively participated in the discussion: at center of the debate, the need to build a social integration project for the Spoleto boarding school”. Only coincidentally, Zaffini’s hometown and the place where he is the plenipotentiary of the Brothers of Italy.

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