Cremona weather, the forecast for weekend 7

In the city of Cremona, the weekend promises to be variable, with the presence of scattered clouds, light rain And pleasant temperatures. Weather conditions will see cloud cover ranging from a minimum of 39% to a maximum of 98%, with the possibility of precipitation ranging between 2% and 93%. Maximum temperatures will reach +27.5°C, while minimum temperatures will be around +17.5°C. The wind will generally be light, coming from different directions. It is advisable to monitor the hourly forecast to better organize outdoor activities.

Friday 7 June


During the night in Cremona, they are expected scattered clouds with cloud cover around the 75%. Temperatures will be around +18.5°Cwith a perception of +18.7°C. The wind will blow a 5.7km/h coming from West – North West, with gusts up to 6.4km/h. The humidity will be of 89% and atmospheric pressure a 1017hPa.


The morning will be characterized by scattered clouds with cloud cover around the 70-84%. Temperatures will rise to +22.7°Cwith a perception of +23°C. The wind will be light, with intensity between 4.5km/h And 5.3km/h from West – North West. Humidity will be maintained around the 77-84%.


In the afternoon, weather conditions will be similar with scattered clouds and cloud cover around the 44-78%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +26.7°Cwith a perception of +28°C. The wind will be light with occasional gusts and a chance of rain around 10-14%.


In the evening, cloud cover will be around 66-78% with the appearance of light rain. Temperatures will drop to +20.6°Cwith a perception of +21°C. The wind will be light coming from the East, with gusts up to 5km/h. Chance of precipitation around 35%.

Saturday 8 June


During the night, it is expected light rain with cloud cover around87%. Temperatures will remain around +20.2°Cwith a perception of +20.6°C. The wind will blow from the East – South East 4.1km/hwith gusts up to 6.7km/h. Possible precipitation 0.13mm.


The morning will be characterized by a cloudy with cloud cover around the 92-90%. Temperatures will rise to +23.4°Cwith a perception of +23.9°C. The wind will be light coming from the North West, with a chance of rain around 6%.


In the afternoon, weather conditions will be similar with a cloudy and cloud cover around85-61%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +27.5°Cwith a perception of +29.3°C. The wind will be light with a chance of rain around 2%.


In the evening, cloud cover will be around 48-97% with the appearance of light rain. Temperatures will drop to +18.9°Cwith a perception of +19.1°C. The wind will be light coming from the South East, with gusts up to 13.7km/h. Chance of precipitation around 30-34%.

Sunday 9 June


During the night, a cloudy with cloud cover around the 98%. Temperatures will remain around +19.8°Cwith a perception of +20°C. The wind will blow from the South – South East to 2.5km/hwith gusts up to 5.7km/h. Chance of precipitation around 34%.


The morning will be characterized by scattered clouds with cloud cover around the 67-76%. Temperatures will rise to +23.7°Cwith a perception of +24°C. The wind will be light coming from the East, with a chance of rain around 18%.


In the afternoon, weather conditions will be similar with scattered clouds and cloud cover around the 39-61%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +27.5°Cwith a perception of +29.3°C. The wind will be light with a chance of rain around 2%.


In the evening, cloud cover will be around 86-98% with the appearance of light rain. Temperatures will drop to +17.5°Cwith a perception of +17.7°C. The wind will be light coming from the South – South East, with gusts up to 15.6km/h. Chance of precipitation around 55-93%.


The weekend in Cremona promises to be variable, with the presence of scattered clouds, light rain and pleasant temperatures. It is advisable to keep an eye on the hourly forecast to better plan outdoor activities.

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