Business destroyed by earthquake, Court cancels debt – L’Aquila

SULMONA. It had been destroyed by the L’Aquila earthquake in 2029 and over-indebtedness had soon arrived but the Court of Sulmona wrote off the debt of around 700 thousand euros thanks to, the organization founded by Gianmario Bertollo and his wife Maria Sole Pavan who from For years he has been helping private individuals and entrepreneurs in difficulty.

It all began on the night of the terrible earthquake of 6 April 2009 which hit L’Aquila and the surrounding areas. 309 victims and homes and economic activities destroyed, including that of a married couple who had been working successfully and satisfactorily in the restaurant sector for some time.

Although his wife also had a second business as a business agent in the telephony sector, the post-earthquake crisis hit that too, making income insufficient and leading the company to pay contributions late and to be unable to meet expenses.

Thus began the over-indebtedness made up of tax bills, loans and interests. For the couple, providing for the family’s needs and the well-being of their son has become increasingly difficult.

Today he has a seasonal job for seven months of the year, while she is employed on a permanent basis, but with a low salary. The amount of debt continues to rise, until it reaches 700 thousand euros, too many to be repaid.

They then decide to turn to for help and the labor judge, after having examined the papers and ascertained that there was no intention to defraud the creditors and what the real causes of the indebtedness were, ordered that they could access the debt write-off procedure, in accordance with the provisions of Law number 3 of 2012 and the subsequent crisis code.

Gianmario Bertollo, founder of, explains: “This couple experienced a nightmare that night, which will certainly have left an indelible mark on their souls, but it also had devastating effects from an economic point of view. These people should have received more help right away, but we are really happy that with this sentence their nightmare is over.”

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