Viola Valentino: “I would like to present myself at the Sanremo Festival 2025”

Viola Valentino: “I would like to present myself at the Sanremo Festival 2025”
Viola Valentino: “I would like to present myself at the Sanremo Festival 2025”

There are songs that can make you immortal, that challenge eternity. Songs that magically escape time, pass from generation to generation and become popular heritage among karaoke, stadium choirs, group songs and endless tributes. A pop miracle. “Comprami”, released in 1979, 45 years ago, transformed Viola Valentino into an icon forever, anticipating many aspects of female emancipation in the world of music. When some artists are identified so strongly with a piece it is as if they are experiencing a sort of curse, while for Virginia Maria Minnetti, this is her real name, in that very sensual “Buy me, I am for sale” there is her elixir for eternal youth. “If I don’t sing it when I do a concert, the audience beats me,” smiles Viola, 74 years old, who has never stopped making music and performing live. Her latest album, “Gratis”, was released last year: “It also made me want to go back to the Sanremo Festival, you know? I will try to send a piece for the 2025 edition,” she continues. Intelligent, ironic, decisive and perhaps, contrary to what she sings in “Buy me”, at times even “unattainable”.

Let’s start with “Buy me”. Did it change your life radically?

Well, definitely. Also because it was my first solo song. I remember when the authors (text by Renato Brioschi and Cristiano Minellono, produced by Giancarlo Lucariello, ed.) proposed it to me: it struck me straight away. I felt a particular pleasure in singing it even though it was an unknown to throw myself into the market alone. I was already making music then, I was in a group called “Fantasy”, I was a model and I studied medicine. My real dream, at the beginning, was to become a doctor. And instead “Buy me”, which achieved extraordinary success, made me a patient (laughs, ed.). Even today if I don’t do it in a concert, people go crazy, they beat me.

An interesting aspect is that “Comprami”, heard today, is perceived as a cry for freedom for women who can do what they want with their bodies, while at the time the song was heavily criticized by feminists.

In fact, it wasn’t immediately understood. Yes, the protagonist “sells” herself, but in reality money has nothing to do with it, she “sells” herself freely “for a word, a gesture, a poem” to an unfortunate person, to a loser in love. In that “and don’t think I’m unattainable”, in my opinion, there is something beautiful, a sort of romantic hope for everyone. It is clear that the piece plays ironically on this aspect of “selling” and if there had not been this game, precisely, it would not have had the success it had. That was the most beautiful period of my life, full of grace. Also because “Buy Me” wasn’t designed for the charts, we made it in a very natural and fun way.

In those years she became a pop icon and an erotic dream.

They still like me a lot now, eh…(smiles, ed.).

In 1999 he recorded a new version with Zerodecibel entitled “Comprami 2000”, which contains an unreleased rap part sung by the group. The video (watch here) raised controversy.

Yes, it is a video that talks about sexual freedom through one’s way of being, dressing and moving. I have always taken it out on the ignorant, on those who don’t accept that there may be other sexual tastes besides their own. I have fought many battles for the freedom of the individual, to get the message across that we are all human beings. Today certain themes in the world of music are more accepted, but twenty/thirty years ago taking a stand against discrimination against homosexual people was not so common in Italy.

She also performed other hit songs in the 80s: “Sei una bomba”, “Sera coi fiocchi”, “Giorno popolo” and “Sola”, taken from the film “Crime on the Highway”, in which she participated as an actress alongside Tomas Milian.

Yes, they are all beautiful memories. I have never suffered discrimination, but it is true that in those years male singers were very popular and there were not as many female artists as they are today. I believe I continue to reap a lot of what I have sown: I don’t hold back, I’m available to all the fans, I stop to take photos and if I see that someone from security treats some of my admirers badly I get angry. Today many pop singers, who we don’t know whether they will remain in history or not, believe they are gods on Earth. I have learned that humility pays and is a value.

Today there are singers like Elodie, Annalisa, Angelina Mango. They are the icons of pop. She likes them?

I like all three. The most beautiful song I have heard in recent times, however, is not theirs, but Loredana Berté singing it: it is “Pazza”, the one she presented at the 2024 Sanremo Festival. I listened to it and thought: “damn, I would have liked to sing a song like that.” Or it would have been nice to sing it together.

In 1982 he also took part in the Sanremo Festival with “Romantici”, and returned in 1983 with the song “Arriva Arriva”. Do you like today’s Festival?

I never showed up again and they never called me as a guest. But recently, while scrolling on my phone, an old video of me at the 1983 Festival popped up and the desire came back. I would like to introduce myself to the next one, the one in 2025, but obviously we need the right song. Also because I have matured vocally, today I am different from that of “Buy me”, I should apply with a particular song that enhances me. At the Festival, in recent years, I have really seen everything go by, but I don’t say this in a negative sense. It’s nice that there is so much variety, I’m waiting for a new opportunity to get back into the game and who knows, maybe it might just come from Ariston. Never say never.

The song that feels most personal to you?

“Alone.” And also “Romantics”.

His latest album “Gratis” was released in 2023.

Yes, it was a way to still do concerts around Italy and to try to find meaning in this jungle.


Thousands of songs are released every week. It means that there is truly room for everyone, but it is very difficult to leave your mark.

Has your career been fulfilling?

Absolutely yes, I am at peace with myself and happy. But I tell the truth: I would like once again, just once, to return to the top of the charts with a song, like in those times that I will never forget (smiles, ed.).

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