Weather today and tomorrow, first heat wave with the Scipione anticyclone: ​​peaks of 40°C

Weather today and tomorrow, first heat wave with the Scipione anticyclone: ​​peaks of 40°C
Weather today and tomorrow, first heat wave with the Scipione anticyclone: ​​peaks of 40°C

After days of bad weather, the North African anticyclone arrives in Italy which, like a hump, expands from the Maghreb towards our country. According to weather forecasts, the first heat wave will bring peaks of up to 40°.

Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologist of the website www.-, confirms that, in this case too, the heat expansion mechanism is associated with the formation of an Iberian-Moroccan baric gap between the Canary Islands, Morocco and the Iberian Peninsula. This depression area, with the rotation of the currents counterclockwise around its center, pushes the subtropical continental air masses from South to North directly from the Sahara towards Italy. Crossing the Mediterranean these air masses are also loaded with high humidity.

Here, in the next few days, temperatures will rise with the peak expected between Friday and Saturday in the Centre-North and between Sunday and Monday in the South: in addition to the high temperatures we will also have an important humidity content especially in the Po Valley, in the Alpine valley floors and in the internal plains of the Center.

In detail, the next few hours will still see some clouds lingering over the Triveneto, especially eastern, with the possibility of local short showers; A modest line of instability will also pass between Sicily and Puglia, heralding some showers. All around we will have beautiful sunshine and anticyclonic conditions with the gradual temperature increase mentioned above.

Thursday it will be a beautiful sunny day, obscured at most by thin veils associated with a bit of desert sand; even the lows will start to get a little warmer.

But it will be between Friday and Saturday we will reach the peak of the sultry heat in the Centre-North with 34°C in Terni, 33°C in Ascoli Piceno, Forlì and Macerata just to mention the ‘hottest’ cities. In the South we will have already exceeded 35°C with extreme values ​​in Oristano and Taranto (36-37°C) but the heat will increase further between Sunday and Monday.

In fact, due to the movement of the Spanish depression area towards the east, thunderstorms in the North and clouds in the Center are not excluded on Sunday, while in the South a consequent further influx of hot air from the southern quadrants (Libya) will push the thermometer up to 39- 40°C: the most ‘exaggerated’ areas at the moment are expected in Sicily (Cefalù with 39°C but also a good part of Nisseno and Enna) and in particular in Puglia with Bari and much of the Foggia area up to 38 °C.


Wednesday 5. In the North: sunny and warm. In the Center: sunny and warm. In the South: some showers on Sicily and Calabria.

Thursday 6. In the North: all sun with summer heat; thunderstorms in the Dolomites. In the Center: all sun with summer heat. In the South: sun and warm climate.

Friday 7. In the North: all sun with summer heat; at times veiled. In the Center: all sun with summer heat. In the South: sun and warm climate.

Trend: lots of sun and heat rising to 37-40°C by the weekend; Sunday with lots of storms in the North.

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