South Africa, in Basilicata students and institutions remember the Soweto uprising

South Africa, in Basilicata students and institutions remember the Soweto uprising
South Africa, in Basilicata students and institutions remember the Soweto uprising

A virtual bridge to unite South Africa and Basilicata. On a historic day for Mandela’s country: the anniversary of “Youth day”, the Youth Day in memory of the clashes which – on 16 June 1976 – involved black students protesting against the segregationist policy of the National Party, the party of Afrikaner nationalists who were the government of the country at that time. To sanction this anniversary in Basilicata there was a close diplomatic relationship which, in recent days, brought the Plenipotentiary Minister, Mmathari Mashao, to Basilicata to retrace those tragic days of ’76 and bring them to the attention of young people in the province of Matera with educational meetings in institutes of all levels that have joined the ”South Africa in Basilicata” project. An event that in the coming months will see local and national schools and institutions collaborate with South Africa to bring and pass on the values ​​of Youth Day and projects on cinema, agriculture, music, tourism and fashion through training and school education.

The creator and promoter of the project was Maria Rosito, journalist, entrepreneur in the hotel and restaurant world of tourism and also interpreter and teacher for the Ministry of Education, passionate about communication, relationships, culture, writing and the values ​​that l ‘have guided throughout their lives such as inclusion or cultural exchange. Also giving her front-line support in this cultural challenge are Piero Marrese, Mayor of Montalbano Jonico, President of the UPI Union of the two Provinces of Basilicata and President of the Province of Matera and the Headmaster of the Istituto Comprensivo Fiorentini of Montalbano Jonico (Matera), Crystal Mezzapesa.

“I believed in this project to tell a story that talks about the past while looking to the future – explains Maria Rosito – and I did it with the eyes and heart of a woman who, the first child of these lands, followed with the hunger for know about the Soweto uprising. I have researched over the years to understand the inspiration and evolution of Youth Day. It was a revolutionary step to find one of the cornerstones of man’s existence: his freedom, the desire for independence, without chains or masters. Last year I thought of an imaginary bridge that would connect Basilicata to South Africa. Today I am here to imagine something more beautiful that unites our countries: a sort of rainbow that touches the two lands from tail to tail to create a passage of fantasy but seasoned with a lot of reality. This reality is called diplomacy. This is why we are here, today, in 2024. To spread a message of life through the strongest tools that are teaching and culture. Bringing this testimony to educational institutions, from childhood to high school, to guide children in understanding the human and cultural values ​​of our land and those educational values ​​of which Basilicata is proud. And I, I am proud that Mmathari Mashao, together with Jacqueline Ntombentle MPONGOSHE of the Political Office of the Embassy of South Africa see that our places, countries, villages, cities, the Lucanians, we have the pleasure of spreading messages of South Africa and in particular of Nelson Mandela, a man who dedicated and paid for the defense of human rights with his life.”

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