Disabled man swims across the Strait of Messina on July 2nd – il Fatto Nisseno

It will leave at 11 am from the Pilone di Messina (meeting at 9.30 am at Via Palazzo 180 – Torre Faro area) and with an estimated arrival between 12.30 pm and 1.00 pm in the Cannitello area (Villa S. Giovanni – Reggio Calabria) on 2 July, the long swim of 3 and a half kilometres, by Andrea Lanari from the Marche region, disabled with artificial arms, accompanied by his son Kevin, entitled “Security conquers the Strait” and sponsored by the City of Messina and the National association of disabled and disabled workers.

With them will also be Marco Trillini, the instructor specialized in swimming for people with disabilities and Communications Manager of the Papa Giovanni XXIII Center of Ancona and the athlete Lorenzo Carnevalini. The collaboration on the initiative by the Municipality of Messina and the Port Authority and Coast Guard of Messina is invaluable, together with ASD Trirock, the company organizing the crossing and Giesse Logistica, will ensure that it is carried out in maximum safety. It will be a unique undertaking considering that Andrea, following a serious accident at work, suffered the amputation of both arms crushed under a press without protection, and will face the sea currents with two forearm prostheses that the INAIL Prosthetic Center of Vigorso di Budrio (Bologna) made specifically for him.

At the start from the Messina Pylon there will be the following to cheer for Andrea: the Mayor of Messina, Federico Basile; the Councilor for Social Policies and Volunteering of Messina, Alessandra Calafiore and the Commander of the Port Authority and Coast Guard of Messina, Francesco Terranova. For ANMIL there will be: the regional President of Sicily, Antonino Capozzo; the President of Calabria, Luigi Francesco Cuomo; the President of Messina, Anna Maria Paino; the President of Ragusa, Maria Agnello, and the President of Caltanissetta Angel Nardo.

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