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Edoardo De Angelis in Gorizia with Even the statutes speak… in Borgo Castello –

Edoardo De Angelis in Gorizia with Even the statutes speak… in Borgo Castello –
Edoardo De Angelis in Gorizia with Even the statutes speak… in Borgo Castello –
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The project officially kicks off on Thursday 4 July in Gorizia “Even the statues speak… in Borgo Castello, a crossroads of peoples and cultures”. The event aims at the cultural, social and entertainment regeneration of the village and its historical, artistic, architectural and archaeological heritage, to increase the tourist attractiveness of the “heart” of Gorizia, investing in the valorisation of the cultural heritage, and to improve the quality of life within a more inclusive and sustainable urban context.

Edoardo De Angelis, Caterina Bernardi, Alessandro Maione

The project “Even statues speak” was born from the idea that museums should not only be seen, but also listened to. Thursday, July 4th e Thursday, July 11th (at 3.15pm, at 4.45pm and again at 6.15pm) the actors Catherine Bernardi e Alexander Mayonthe singer-songwriter Edward De Angelis and the expert Emanuela Bird will lead the public to discover the fascinating stories that the Gorizia Castle preserves. “Even statues speak” was created with the aim of connecting past and present, archaeology and contemporary history. It is a real journey back in time, of an expressive and artistic nature, an innovative project of cultural valorization accessible to all, designed to make known and appreciate the memories of historical figures, the legends and stories related to the works preserved in the museums involved in the initiative. A journey into the past, but also a direct line with the History of our days and an appeal to the need to protect, conserve and valorize cultural heritage. The following are planned three visiting shifts: ore 15.15 (1st group); orre 16.45 (2nd group); orre 18.15 (3rd group). THE places for theatrical visits they are limited. It is necessary reservation at the following link, choosing the desired date and time: The event is included in the entrance ticket to the Castle. The project will continue on August 13th and 14th with the creation of two days of replicas of “Even the streets speak… theatrical visits in Via Rastello”. The theatrical visits are organized byCultural Association CulturArti in collaboration with the Municipality of Gorizia and are included in the project “A thousand years of history at the heart of Europe: Borgo Castello crossroads of peoples and cultures” | CUP F88F22000000007 | PNRR Funding – Next Generation EU, for the PNRR pilot project M1C3 Measure 2 Investment 2.1 line A.

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