Elections, Fitto in Isernia: with Giorgia to change Europe

Elections, Fitto in Isernia: with Giorgia to change Europe
Elections, Fitto in Isernia: with Giorgia to change Europe

With Giorgia. It is written in large letters on a poster behind the Minister for European Affairs, Raffaele Fitto, in the hall of the Grand Hotel Europa in Isernia last Sunday 2 June. And it is the phrase that summarizes the spirit with which Prime Minister Meloni’s party presents itself to voters in view of the next European elections. A very busy day for Minister Fitto, who arrived in Molise to support Brothers of Italy in the elections of 8 and 9 June. After the stages of Termoli and Campobasso he arrived in Isernia, welcomed by his lifelong friend, the regional councilor Michele Iorio, by the honorable Elisabetta Lancellotta, by the regional secretary of the party, Filoteo Di Sandro and by the provincial coordinator of Fratelli d’Italia , Desio Notardonato, as well as by the former president of the Molise Region, Enrico Santoro.
Accompanied by Francesco Ventola, candidate in the southern constituency with the Brothers of Italy, Minister Fitto met voters, candidates, representatives of the party and the centre-right, as well as supporters and curious people in a packed room, summarizing the points of the electoral program and – precisely – the spirit with which the party is preparing to experience this electoral event that is now upon us.
«Changing Europe – this is the objective of Fratelli d’Italia according to minister Raffaele Fitto – we have already demonstrated this in these five years when we highlighted some of the issues that were wrong. We have put corrective measures in place, we have proposed it strongly in the European Parliament and we have started to implement it in this year and a half of Government. If it is true, as it is, that on central issues such as agriculture, immigration, but also development policies and the flexibility of the use of funds, Giorgia Meloni had the ability with concrete acts to intervene in Parliament and in the European Council, therefore to modify some of the fundamental choices of the European Commission”.
Minister Fitto then makes a comment on the team of candidates for Fratelli d’Italia: «It’s a mix, the team is all relevant, but the point is who leads it – he says -. Our vote request is for Giorgia Meloni, together with the other candidates because clearly there are two other preferences to express. For Giorgia Meloni it is a political vote, a vote that serves to strengthen the action of Fratelli d’Italia by rewarding the work of these years, a vote to give stability to the Government but also a vote to the person, which will allow her to have a lot more strength than it has already demonstrated in this period in order to have a concrete and serious impact on a European level. A Giorgia Meloni who arrives in Brussels with hundreds of thousands of votes will have even more weight and will have the opportunity to really work to realize the program that we hope for, that is, to change Europe”.

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