European elections, voices from the Alberone in Rome between abstentionism and disillusionment

European elections, voices from the Alberone in Rome between abstentionism and disillusionment
European elections, voices from the Alberone in Rome between abstentionism and disillusionment

Rome, 4 June. (askanews) – In the week preceding the European Elections of 8 and 9 June 2024, the voices of some residents of Alberone, between the famous square under the tree and the historic popular market of the neighborhood located south-east of Rome , express disillusionment and the desire to abstain from voting, but also requests that concern the protection of Italian products, agricultural and beyond, with the idea of ​​thus safeguarding the economy and sovereignty of Italy. “Nothing is done with Europe. They are all ‘gargarozzoni’… It means that they eat with four jaws”, joked a gentleman sitting in Piazza dell’Alberone, where the inhabitants of the neighborhood meet to have a chat. What are you asking of Europe when you go to vote? “Let’s hope they don’t bother us with all these changes we have to make to the houses, then the cars… Because they have bothered us”, adds another gentleman. “I really don’t care, they’re all big guys, I really don’t care,” says another gentleman sitting on the wall of the flowerbed where a large tree is planted. But will you still go to vote? “No”. Why? “Because it’s not worth it, nothing changes anyway”, adds the pensioner sitting next to him. Are you going to vote? “Let’s hope, if I get there,” quips a third gentleman, 92 years old. What does Europe do for Italy in your opinion? “Let’s hope they do something good, as I say, I say and I’m wrong, come on,” said his friend. “I will only ask that they respect our habits, our products and our entire economy, the internal economy”, claims the historic newsagent on Piazza dell’Alberone. “I vote for what is in my interests” and I ask Europe “not to be the master of other people’s properties”, replies a farmer from the Alberone market who is quite “angry” with the EU directives regarding the sector. “I hope someone goes who can represent us well,” said a greengrocer at the market, who then clarified, “They don’t do anything, they only promise, they have abandoned the Italian people.” “We have to go, because if we don’t go then the vote goes to the others”, explains a lady intent on doing the shopping. You ask Europe “to do a bit of everything”. “Roberto told me: he looks at the European elections starting on the 14th…”, another lady was confused. “It’s all one race anyway,” joked another woman at Alberone. “I’m going, I’m going, I don’t know what I’m asking for, let’s see…”, a young woman cut short. Interviews by Stefania Cuccato Editing by Claudia Berardicurti Images askanews

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