Drones, delivery tests in urban areas begin in Emilia-Romagna

The first test in Italy will take place in Emilia Romagna, the region where the possibility of delivering goods more efficiently and quickly through the use of fleets of drones will be explored. The aim is to reduce car travel for urgent deliveries in urban and suburban areas, replacing them with autonomous drones that will fly at specific times and on specific routes.

This is what he predicts Of-Pegasus (Digital competitive next generation aviation technologies for sustainable business models, products and services), the first European project led by EuroUsc Italya consultancy company from Rome, leader in Italy for services dedicated to drones.

New flight technologies

Marco Ducci, project leader of Di-Pegasus and CEO of EuroUsc Italia, explains that “delivery with drones is becoming a reality, but there are still several technological challenges before these applications can become widespread. For example, there is a lack of systems that allow hundreds of drones to be managed simultaneously, which allow the operator to efficiently monitor operations and guarantee the safety of the people flown over”.

Freight transport ecosystem

This first Italian case study is working on the transport of goods, with the use of drones, from industrial and peripheral areas of cities towards microhubs located in the center of the cities themselves. However, this is only one of the hypotheses, the project is ready to also take into consideration the proposals of operators, airport authorities and couriers.

“It will be essential to clarify the nature of the innovations tested and illustrate their benefits, involving all interested parties, from citizens to political decision makers – adds Ducci -. This approach is of particular importance in the context of Emilia-Romagna, where tests of the technologies for last mile delivery services will be carried out”.

Digital platform

A new one will also be designed digital platform to evaluate the feasibility of new business models generated by these technologies in specific contexts. Various performance indicators will be taken into consideration, including cost sustainabilitythe job creationThe emissions savings and investment methods, with the aim of providing recommendations to policy makers and the actors involved.

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