«Salvini and Schlein flop in Reggio Calabria»

ROME This morning, Stefano Bandecchi, candidate for the European elections with Alternativa Popolare, spoke at the microphones of Radio Cusano Campus, guest of the in-depth program “L’Italia s’è desta” hosted by the director of the radio newspaper Gianluca Fabi and Roberta Feliziani. On the topic of abstentionism he said: «I am convinced that abstentionism is an interesting product for politics, it is useless for all politicians to continue talking about the fact that it is a problem. It’s not true, you just have to be foolish to understand that the problem with politicians is that only a few people go to vote.” And he continues: «politicians care very little, do you know why they care now? Because they saw their squares empty. Salvini couldn’t make an appointment in Reggio Calabria, had an environment with 400-350 seats and did not reach 70; Schlein also in Reggio Calabria he brought together a hundred people, various appointments were missed by everyone. It would have been better for Meloni not to go, for her sake, I say, poor thing, to Piazza del Popolo, because you can’t go to Piazza del Popolo and have a few hundred people, 200-300, that is, a handful of people, most of them brought directly from the party. While the Democratic Party is unable to make inroads anywhere.” According to Bandecchi, there would not be the same treatment for all parties on TV: «I see on television for 40-30 minutes, every day, the so-called group of the big parties. Which is another nonsense told to Italians, because for example we are part of the European People’s Party, which is the largest party. Yesterday they came to us to do a 20 second interview, they said “tell us your program in 20 seconds, but in 20 seconds I simply limited myself to telling them I see people who have half an hour, 40 minutes to shoot a lot of nonsense, in 20 seconds I want to say hello to you all, bye!”. If I’m not mistaken, I told Rai and they were all a little skeptical about this, as if to say but what is it? That is, not only do you not have the freedom to express yourself at the right times but then they also have the right to decide how far you can speak, what you can say and what you cannot say.” And he adds: «there is 360° bad information, bad management and then politics pretends to say that Italians don’t go to vote. It’s a joke. I’m not complaining about this, if the Italians want to vote for me, will we get 0.1, 7, 10, 20? I don’t know, what we will take, we will take, but I can tell you that what we will take will represent the proportion of those who normally vote, which is now 55-60% unfortunately.”

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