“Maxi cuts by the Government to the Municipalities”


Grosseto. “Europe gives, the Meloni Government takes away. This is exactly what is happening due to the Government’s wicked decision to cut the contributions intended for Municipalities and Provinces, hitting hardest the very bodies that were able to attract the most European resources from the Pnrr”.

They declared this in a statement Grosseto Open City and Democratic Party.

“Because of this – declare the group leaders of Grosseto Città Aperta and Democratic Party, Carlo De Martis and Davide Bartoliniwe have presented an agenda that will be submitted to the City Council so that it can take a position against a gigantic cuts plan, destined to hit the Municipal Solidarity Fund, depriving the Tuscan Municipalities of as much as eighty million euros between 2024 and 2028, of which over a million and seven hundred thousand euros in the municipality of Grosseto alone. And it won’t be any better for the province of Grosseto, which will lose as much as one million eight hundred thousand euros. The nervousness among local administrators of all political stripes is understandable, so much so that even the budget councilor of the municipality of Grosseto expressed concern, both for the extent of the cuts and for the fact that, reaching the middle of the year, they will affect commitments of expenses already assumed, further complicating the situation. At the moment, however, the Honorable Councilor Fabrizio Rossi remains silent, as he certainly did not give the people of Grosseto a good gift by voting in Parliament in favor of a cuts plan that will hit our territory so hard”.

“It is indeed evident – they underline De Martis and Bartolinithat the Government’s ax will affect the spending capacity of local authorities, which will find themselves forced to either reduce services to citizens or increase taxes, with serious damage to families and businesses. An ax that is all the more unjust and counterproductive if we consider that half of the resources that the state intends to confiscate from the Municipalities are divided between the individual entities in proportion to the resources obtained within the Pnrr, thereby effectively hitting the Municipalities and Provinces most virtuous, at the same time taking away indispensable resources precisely for the management of the interventions carried out thanks to the European program Next Generation EU. However, there is still the possibility of blocking the process that will make the cuts operational, entrusted to a decree of two Ministers in the League: Giorgetti for the Ministry of the Economy and Piantedosi for the Ministry of the Interior. The Government, to avoid losing votes, has in fact decided to postpone the decree until after the electoral round. An opportunistic choice which however opens a window for intervention.”

“We therefore trust – And the conclusion of the opposition group leadersthat the entire Municipal Council of Grosseto will want to support our agenda, joining the cry of alarm that in recent days is rising from the administrators of all the territories, both on the right and on the left. And we trust in particular that the local representatives of the parties most involved in this affair, Fratelli d’Italia and Lega, will be able to use their political action to protect our community”.

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