Viterbo News 24 – Luisa Ciambella, President Rocca and the candidate Civita Di Russo at the Corte delle Terme Resort

Luisa Ciambella, President Rocca and the candidate Civita Di Russo at the Corte delle Terme Resort

The objectives for ‘The Europe of the Common Good’ presented

VITERBO – ‘L’Europe of the Common Good‘represents a proposal to build aA more inclusive European Union oriented towards collective well-beingsupported by coherent policies aimed at strengthening democratic and social principles.

They reiterated it forcefully, in the face of over 350 people, last May 31st the coordinator of the Rocca Civic Movement President, Fabrizio Molinathe candidate for the European elections for the Brothers of Italy list, Civita Di Russo and the president of the Lazio Region, Francesco Roccawelcomed in Viterbo, at the Corte delle Terme Resort, by Luisa Ciambella, organizational manager of the civic movement.

A long meeting which involved many people from different municipalities in the Viterbo area, moved by the intention of listening to the proposals of the candidate Civita Di Russo and the words of President Rocca who retraced the stages and results of this first year at the helm of the Lazio Regionmaking clear, above all, the priorities for Tuscia starting from defense of the territoryto support the economy and to safeguard the right to health of all citizens.

‘In recent years – recalled Luisa Ciambella, at the opening of the debate – too many times we have been left alone by certain local politicians and by the Zingaretti Region who instead of representing us looked for other ways to forget about Tuscia or worse still harass it as it did on waste and environmental policies. From just over a year all this changed thanks to president Rocca.

Precisely by him we were called to contribute to this change and in this journey I had the opportunity to get to know Civita Di Russo, today a candidate for the European lessons. A woman who has always done the same in her professional life difference, a woman for whom it is worth spending time in this electoral campaign. A free, credible and above all competent choice to best represent our territory and Italy within the European Parliament. Only choosing those who have demonstrated in their lives that they know how to make a difference Europe can truly be changed by putting people at the center of a new relationship between European institutions and citizens.’

Same conviction for the coordinator of the Rocca Civic Movement, Fabrizio Molina, who in thanking Luisa Ciambella, recalled the value of the political result achieved by the Rocca list in the Viterbo area during the last regionals. ‘The challenge to which we are called – he said Molina – is understanding the values ​​we have who is capable of representing them best and I believedefinitely, that Civita Di Russo is the most credible, competent and capable person that can, sincerely, represent us in the best way in Europe’.

Greeted by warm applause it was the turn of Civita Di Russo who, until accepting the candidacy for the European elections on the Brothers of Italy list, held the role of deputy head of cabinet of the Lazio Region. Lawyer with an important past, for many years under guard due to the delicacy of the cases she was called upon to deal with, Di Russo showed the Viterbo audience her determination, his direct way of doing politics, capable of tackling problems with frankness and availability.

‘I thank Luisa Ciambella for this welcome, for her tenacity, for her attachment to the territory from which she comes – said Di Russo – I thank her for her ethical and political values ​​which are our values, which represent the strength of always being on the side of the citizens. I chose, also thanks to Luisa’s support, thanks to the trust received from President Rocca, to the closeness of all the people of the Movement and the Rocca List, to run for the European elections on the list of Brothers of Italy which gave us the opportunity to do so . I did it with the spirit of bringing the values ​​of civility to Europe. A’Europe changed, different, modified compared to what the intentions were and for this reason we must bring it back close to us, to us citizens of Tuscia, as of all of Lazio. Next June 8th and 9th we have an appointment with history, we can really change Europe and we can do it together’.

To conclude the afternoon was the president of the Lazio Region, who came to Viterbo already in the morning for a series of meetings in which he was also able to meet with exponents of the economic, entrepreneurial, tourist and cultural world of the city and the province. ‘There participation is a fundamental element in the politics I believe in – said governor Rocca – this is why I have always appreciated the Luisa Ciambella’s work in the area and what she is doing. A tireless and I would say constant force for the requests that he points out to me every day, a value and an important presence for the Viterbo area and for the citizens. A participation in which, I myself, find myself because I am used to keeping promises and putting my face to it. This is why I chose to put a face on healthcare so that it was clear who is and will be responsible at the end of this mandate, precisely to mark a clear change from certain previous experiences where in the end the fault always lay with someone else.

I had made clear commitments in this area and I believe that the facts speak for me: we blocked photovoltaic and wind power by adopting a specific resolution a few months after taking officewe have appealed to the TAR against the storage of nuclear waste, we are monitoring very carefully the situation of the geothermal wells on the Cimini. We have always made it clear that for this Region Tuscia will no longer be the dustbin of Lazio and we are working towards this direction. It’s a shame that there are differences of opinion on this issue with Mayor Frontini and President Romoli, but it’s about bringing what happened back to the truth. I remember that the process for expanding the landfill had started before I took office and Mayor Frontini knows this well. We had talked about it in a meeting, we had agreed on the same needs as protect Viterbo, but then it can’t be that if she gets into political difficulty in her territory for reasons that she created on her own at home, she thinks she’ll get involved.’

President Rocca did not fail to make passages on the multiple needs of Tuscia, speaking of investments in road and rail transport, on support for agriculture, but in particular he referred to the commitment to healthcarerecalling that: ‘From here and a few months, only for the Viterbo area, the procedures for hiring 700 new staff units including doctors, nurses and other hospital professionals‘.

The governor then entrusted the analysis of the European vote to his conclusions. ‘The European elections are an important step because personally, in the positions I held in the Red Cross, I was able to see first-hand how necessary it is for Europe to be a more protagonist on the world stage and equally more Italy in Europe. This is why it is important to choose people capable of having this vision, capable of believing in the values ​​of the common good as Luisa Ciambella and Civita Di Russo who I ask you to support in the European elections on 8 and 9 June‘.

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