Quintana di Foligno, Mattia Zannori (Ammanniti) will start first. Official rehearsals for the error festival – Corriere dell’Umbria

Quintana di Foligno, Mattia Zannori (Ammanniti) will start first. Official rehearsals for the error festival – Corriere dell’Umbria
Quintana di Foligno, Mattia Zannori (Ammanniti) will start first. Official rehearsals for the error festival – Corriere dell’Umbria

It will be there Ammanniti district starting first in the Quintana Carousel of Foligno of July 15th. This is the verdict of the tests that took place in a Playground packed on the evening of Sunday 2 June. Riding Franceschina, Matteo Zannori he was the fastest and most precise and will open the assaults. Then it will be the turn of the Rione La Mora with Luca Morosini and following Giotti with Riccardo Raponi. They will follow White Cross, Abbey, Spade, Keep, Morlupo, Boxers And Contrastanga. The official tests were characterized by a long series of errors, in particular in the second round, the one valid for establishing the starting order. Daniele Scarponi (Contrastanga) ended up off the track; Lorenzo Melosso (Badia) missed a ring, as well as Riccardo Raponi (Giotti). Mario Cavallari (Morlupo) didn’t even put one in, ditto Raul Spera (Boxers). Simone Bocci (Cassero) missed two targets and shot down a flag. Lorenzo Savini (White Cross) e Tommaso Finestra (Sword), they missed a ring each. Only two clear paths, those of Zannori with the time of 54” and of Morosini55” 02. In third place Raponi by virtue of the best time among those who put on two rings (54” 78). It should be remembered that on June 15th to defend the colors of Keep it won’t be Bocci, but Luca Innocenziabsent on Sunday evening because the year of Daspo for the well-known events of last summer.

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