“Concerts and communication, clarity on who pays. Pharmacies, no to sales”

“Concerts and communication, clarity on who pays. Pharmacies, no to sales”
“Concerts and communication, clarity on who pays. Pharmacies, no to sales”

“We are not against concerts and large events, but they must be sustainable.” Here is what emerged from the conference at the end of the election campaign of mayoral candidate Fabio Anselmo, in his headquarters in Piazzetta Cacciaguida. At the table with him ‘symbolically’ the young candidates Chiara Esposito, Martina Taddia and Michele Ronchi Stefanati. At the center of Anselmo’s speech was the theme of events: “Dear Alan Fabbri, we want concerts and large events, but they must be done in a transparent, sustainable and virtuous manner from an economic point of view. It is false to say that we don’t want to do them. It is believed that the citizens of Ferrara should not pay for these events, as has now happened in these years of administration, through contributions from the subsidiaries”.

In his speech, the lawyer recalled the recent questions asked by councilors Nanni (PD) and Ferraresi. “To date – he adds – there are still unanswered requests and we don’t understand why. To support the concerts and large events – he says, listing the sums allocated in recent years – we see Holding Ferraraservizi, Amsef, municipal pharmacies and Ferrara Tua. Money donated through regular tenders or in the form of sponsorships. We wonder why it is always the same subjects who support them.

Anselmo continues: “He wonders if all this is right and who benefits, Mayor Fabbri should say this. The use of public land in the squares for concerts is given by the Municipality to the Butterfly association which pays a negligible fee as it is a non-profit organisation. sponsored. In fact the Municipality does not gain anything from street events, it would be to support these events, but they should be supported by themselves, as private individuals”. Anselmo then points the finger at the figure of the mayor’s spokesperson: “His CV says that he started as a communications officer for the Madame nightclub, then arrived at the regional Lega group and now alongside Fabbri. But who pays you? He works for promote Fabbri or the Municipality? The citizens must not pay for this too.”

A passage also on the expenses relating to the Municipality: “The strong growth recorded was evident, but we ask whether the increase was in keeping with the theater seasons seen in recent years. In the face of all this, as a counterpoint, consider that the budgets of the ‘Personal Services Company (ASP), have remained unchanged from 2019 to today, where the inflation of recent years has not been considered. Furthermore, the same sums are expected for the next financial statements”. Another issue is that of municipal pharmacies: “No to their sale, they must remain public”.

Mario Tosatti

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