Taranto? No, the new Ilva starts again from Genoa

The game doesn’t start in Taranto “new sale” of the former Ilva factories, today Acciaierie d’Italia. From this week Vulcan Green Steel, Mont Steel (Indian groups) and later Metinvest (Ukrainian conglomerate) those that the minister Adolfo Urso he defined «cognitive visits» to the steel plants not from Puglia, where the largest and theoretically most important factory is located, given that it supplies the material that the others process, but from Genoa.

A choice announced by the owner of Mimit right in Liguria, on the occasion of the presentation ceremony of the stamp in honor of Guido Rossaworker and trade unionistItalsider of Genoa Cornigliano killed by the Red Brigades in 1979. «We think we can activate the procedures for the assignment of the plants with a production restoration program which provides for the resumption of second blast furnace of Taranto in October, the reactivation of the third blast furnace in the middle of next year, so as to reach the potential production levels of six million tons, the maximum limit that that plant can build today. I believe that within a month it will be possible to release the resources in line with the programs for the recovery of production that the commissioners have set themselves”, further explained the Minister of Business and Made in Italyfor which the pass of Europe for the 320 million bridge loan. «The European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager confirmed that European authorization will shortly be granted for the resources of the bridge loan to the former Ilva to safeguard the plants and restore their production activity. There is full consensus on the part of the European Commission” – Urso’s words.

For his part, the Minister of the Environment Gilberto Pichetto Fratininvolved yesterday in a series of electoral meetings in Puglia, wanted to underline how «the themes of the decarbonisation of the former Ilva and the Hague review are undoubtedly at our attention. The procedure was started again about ten days ago when the commissioners withdrew the appeal against the extension provision and the matter is proceeding as usual. The commissioners are moving forward with the production of the industrial plan and we are maintaining all of our objectives.” «The industrial part – specified Pichetto Fratin – is taken care of by the Ministry of Enterprise. In the availability of my ministry there is the billion of euros of Dri, the pre-reduced project, and we are closely following an issue that is of national interest. We are the second largest steel producer in Europe and running out of steel, without modern steel, would become a problem. We must move forward quickly because that is the path to follow, emission neutrality.”

Finally, Acciaierie d’Italia announced that Maurizio Saitta is the new general manager of the company: «He will lead the team in the process already outlined in the Restart Program, being able to count on solid skills in operations, planning and finalization of complex plans. Equal skills will be made available in the planning of interventions relating to the decarbonisation of the steel production process” we read in a note.

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