Bari: today the winners of the competition between Apulian schools on prevention

Below is a press release released by Teatri di Bari:

The final days of the competition projects “From the stage to reality @ prevention school” and “Risk avoidance: the prevention Olympics” will be held on 4 and 5 June, promoted by Inail – Regional Directorate for Puglia and the Puglia Region – Department for Health Promotion -, in collaboration with the Regional School Office for Puglia, dedicated to the world of school.

On June 4, starting at 10.00 am at the Kismet Opera theater in Bari, in the presence of the Prefect of Bari and representatives of the promoting bodies, the final ceremony of the project-competition “From the stage to reality: @ prevention school” will be held. initiative also created in collaboration with the “Theatres of Bari” and dedicated to secondary school students in Puglia to bring them closer, through theater and cinema, to the world of work and to the topics of prevention and safety. The appointment on the 4th is the final stage of a training/information path which combined the specific contents on Health and Safety at Work with those specific to theatrical and cinematographic language and concluded with the elaboration by the students of cultural products for participation in the competition for theater scripts and short films. During the morning, the theatrical shows and short films created by the winners of the competition will be presented. The winning schools will be awarded cash prizes to be used to improve the safety conditions of school buildings.

On June 5th at the Anche Cinema theater in Bari, starting from 10.00 am, the final competition of the “Gli Scacciarischi: the Prevention Olympics” project will take place, a project aimed at pupils from primary and lower secondary schools in our region who, through a video game – developed in collaboration with AgeOfGames srl – and the use of social media, it aims to raise awareness – and avoid – the risks present at home, at school and in the workplace. The top 5 classified in the individual competition held in recent months, divided by school level, will compete live to win the title of Prevention Champion 2023/24. During the event, the winners of the team competition will also be rewarded. The winning schools will be awarded cash prizes to be used to improve the safety conditions of school buildings.

The project sheets are attached.

“From the stage to reality: @school of prevention” is a project born from Inail Puglia region and Department for the promotion of health of the Puglia Region with the collaboration of the Regional School Office for Puglia and the Theaters of Bari, now in its twelfth edition, with the aim of raising awareness among Apulian secondary school students of the issues of prevention and safety at work.

An initiative designed to make the young generations active protagonists of the creative process, through a project-competition that narrates the themes of the project with the media languages ​​of cinema and theatre.

The objective is to use the miracle of theater and cinema to reveal a truth through fiction, that of deaths and accidents at work, making it become a civic sense.


The project-competition is intended for students of secondary schools in Puglia and is developed through a training/information path that combines specific contents on Health and Safety at Work with those specific to theatrical and cinematographic language, and ends with a competition that involves the creation of two theatrical shows and short films created by the students.

The process in three phases:

  • Information: the students attended, under the supervision of the relevant teachers, the theatrical show “Vite Spettete”, created by I Teatri di Bari and directed by Teresa Ludovico and viewed the series of short films of the same name and all the other visual products available on website;
  • Training: they explored the dynamics of the deadly events represented on stage through the tutorials on the site and acquired skills for the development of theatrical scripts and for the creation of short films, participating in webinars and following the tutorials created by Alessandro Piva and Lello Tedeschi;
  • Competition: they have developed theatrical scripts and short films on the topics of health and safety at work.

The works produced were subjected to the vote of a commission and the social vote which established the winners of the 2023/2024 edition.

The winning scripts, thanks to the creation of theatrical workshops, have become two shows that will be performed on stage on 4 June 2024 at the Kismet OperA Theater in Bari.

During the same event, the four short films, three chosen by the Commission and one decreed by the social vote, winners of this edition will be presented and awarded.

From the 2023/2024 edition, participation in the initiative has been included in the PCTOs of 32 institutes, out of the 53 participants.

The prices

There are cash prizes awarded to the winning institutions which must be used to improve the safety conditions of school buildings:

For the “Theatrical scripts” section:

The Institute of students who have developed the screenplay chosen by the Commission will be awarded a prize of €5,000;

A prize of €2,000 will be awarded to the Institute of students who have developed the screenplay that receives the most “likes” on the Facebook page.

For the “Short Films” section:

The following prizes will be awarded to the student institutes that have made the first three short films in the ranking drawn up by the Commission:

1st place €5,000;

2nd place €3,000;

Third place €2,000.

To the Institute of the students who have produced the winning short film Social vote a prize of €1,000 will be awarded.

Participants: 53 institutes participated in the 2023/2024 edition of the initiative with the participation of 4,857 students and 63 referring teachers.

Over the course of the twelve editions, almost 90,000 Apulian students were involved in the project.


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