Still trampled rights and trade union obstructionism towards NSC in Campania. The Legion Command, in contrast with the provisions of the law, prohibits access to the Operational and Radiomobile Section of the Territorial Department of Nocera Inferiore

Still trampled rights and trade union obstructionism towards NSC in Campania. The Legion Command, in contrast with the provisions of the law, prohibits access to the Operational and Radiomobile Section of the Territorial Department of Nocera Inferiore
Still trampled rights and trade union obstructionism towards NSC in Campania. The Legion Command, in contrast with the provisions of the law, prohibits access to the Operational and Radiomobile Section of the Territorial Department of Nocera Inferiore

It was March 2023 and the Commander General of the Carabinieri opened the doors to professional associations of a trade union nature among the military.
The meeting was aimed at starting a process of collaboration with the new trade union body responsible for safeguarding the rights and well-being of staff.
Rights and well-being which, however, continue to be trampled upon in Campania.
It is no coincidence, in fact, that the Legislative Decree of 15 March 2010 n. 66 (COM), has provided in article 1479 bis c.1 letter e, the possibility for the APCSMs to “send written communications to military personnel on matters within their competence, as well as visit the structures and military departments where the personnel they represent operate when they deem it appropriate, agreeing on the methods, at least thirty-six hours in advance, with the competent Commanders”.
And in fact, the Regional Secretariat of the New Carabinieri Campania Union, following reports on the current situation of the Operational and Radiomobile Section of the Territorial Department of Nocera Inferiore, aware of the provisions and to protect its members, communicated on 2 June 2024 to the Commander of the Campania Carabinieri Legion the intention to visit the aforementioned structure on Tuesday 4 June to have an account of what has been reported.

Following this, like a child who has messed up the playroom and closes the door with the hope that his mother doesn’t notice, also in Campania the Legion Command has closed the doors to the New Carabinieri Union by communicating its unavailability to the visit to the Operational and Radiomobile Section of the Territorial Department of Nocera Inferiore, as it is undergoing renovation work.
We do not consider the inaccessibility plausible, indeed we consider it a mockery: if the impossibility of access were true, then why would our colleagues continue to work there?
Simply, such behavior suggests that the carpet was too small to hide the dust and that the New Carabinieri Union has the reputation of not being influenceable.
Dismayed, we take note of the behavior that the Campania Legion Command perpetuates towards the New Carabinieri Union.
The collaboration with the Administration at a national level is achieving important goals also with regard to the current negotiation procedures of the economic contract.
Unfortunately, only in Campania we continue to suffer continuous obstructionism and therefore we are forced to entrust the conduct to our Legal Office so that compliance with the regulations is re-established.

The Regional Secretariat of the New Carabinieri Campania Union

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