The management method of the Women’s Center changes. The signing of the Shared Collaboration Pact on Tuesday 4 June

The management method of the Women’s Center changes. The signing of the Shared Collaboration Pact on Tuesday 4 June
The management method of the Women’s Center changes. The signing of the Shared Collaboration Pact on Tuesday 4 June

Livorno, 3 June 2024 – On Tuesday 4 June at 5.00 pm, its new management method, created through the active participation tool of the Collaboration Pact, will be presented at the Municipality’s Women’s Center (in Largo Strozzi n.3).
The Municipality of Livorno established the Livorno Women’s Center 40 years ago, precisely on 28 February 1984, conceiving it as a space for aggregation, documentation, research, valorisation and discussion on women’s issues.
Since 2002, the Women’s Centre, managed by the Ippogrifo Association, has developed women’s policies in its many forms, through awareness-raising activities, training, information actions on the topic of prevention and health protection and cultural initiatives, also guaranteeing an orientation desk legal and psychological services aimed at women.
Also in response to requests from local associations regarding broader collaboration between all associative entities working in the field of women’s policies, the municipal administration has adopted, for the new management, the tool for the shared administration of urban common goods.
After an initial phase of discussion and listening with the Associations of our territory, to evaluate the possible ways of co-planning and organizing the activities, in March a public notice of expression of interest was published aimed at associative subjects for the presentation of proposals of collaboration for the care, management or regeneration of the common good “Il Centro Donna”. The co-planning process was therefore started through the establishment of a working group with the interested parties, to arrive at the shared drafting of the Collaboration Pact for the management of the Women’s Centre.
The motivations that accompanied the birth and development of the Women’s Center have not changed: it is a question, now as then, of working against prejudices and gender stereotypes and of maintaining this place designed by women for women, to meet, talk about each other , exchanging ideas, receiving advice and listening, creating relationships, knowing and sharing everything that concerns the female reality, from all points of view, with the aim of making this space grow as a point of reference.
The management of this space as a Common Good is certainly a concrete and important signal that the municipal administration wanted to give in terms of valorisation and support for gender policies, thus allowing it to enhance the enrichment of proposals aimed at the female universe, guarantee an increasingly broad aggregation and collaboration between all the associative subjects involved in women’s policies, also maintaining the help desk and legal and psychological orientation activities that have always been present at the Women’s Centre.
In this new space, therefore, the many associations linked to rights will work together by combining their experiences to carry out activities of value for the women of the city. It will be a place to meet, a point of reference that will host projects and activities of a cultural, artistic, educational, training, social, aggregation and socialization nature. The Women’s Center is in fact an informal and welcoming place where local organizations will make their experiences and skills available to offer services and activities, aimed primarily at women of all ages and nationalities.
Since June, the property has been assigned, through the Collaboration Agreement which will be signed tomorrow, the same day as the inauguration, to the Associations that participated in the co-planning roundtable with the Administration offices.

The Collaboration Agreement will be signed between the Municipal Administration and the associations AGEDO Livorno OdV, Centrodonna Evelina De Magistris ODV, Centro Studi Invictus Associazione APS, CESDI- Centro Servizi Donne Immigrate APS, Il Sestante Solidarietà APS, Itinera Progetti e Ricerche Soc. Coop . Social Enterprise, LED Freedom and Rights Arcigay Livorno APS, Livorno Donna Salute e Cultura, LUI APS, Randi APS, Ven. Arc. della Misericordia di Livorno ODV, the Italian Women’s Center of Livorno ODV and the Gordon Music Academy APS.
In addition to the associations signatory to the Pact, other local entities will contribute to proposing activities, events and initiatives: 8emezzo, Morphè Centro Ascolto Famiglia Association, Fipili Horror Festival Cultural Association, Friendli Association, Atelier Delle Arti APS, Caritas, Centro Italiano Femminile Provinciale Di Pisa, Ci Sia Acqua Ai Due Lati, Circolo Del Cinema Kinoglaz, Cooperativa FAST, Cooperativa San Benedetto, Diecidicembre Arciragazzi Livorno (ASD APS),esseretutt* – Non-formalized Group, Famiglie Arcobaleno (APS), FIDAPA BPW Italy, Gruppo Informale Conarte, Gruppo La Women’s Poetry, Group on the Same Boat, Hermanas Mirabal, Il Grattacielo, Ippogrifo (APS), Itineraformazione Training Agency, Nosotras Onlus, New Beginning, Rainbow Parents Network (ODV), Amadeus Livorno Music School, SVS Livorno Voluntary Relief Society, UAAR Livorno (APS).

The Women’s Center will be open from Monday to Friday with the following times: morning 10.00-13.00, afternoon 17.00-19.00 (closed on Monday afternoon) in addition to the activities of the individual associations. The calendar of all proposals, events and initiatives will be published on the dedicated page of the Municipality’s website and on its social channels.

For information: email [email protected]; telephone 0586/824304

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